Kamerat e vendosura në mal, xhiruan të riun e droguar që lëvizte si tigër (Foto)

Kamerat e vendosura në mal, xhiruan të riun e droguar që lëvizte si tigër (Foto)
Pic shows: man running like a tiger in the woods;nnA forest phototrap snapped an unexpected kind of wild beast - a naked man high on LSD who thought he was a tiger.nnA Czech man identified only as Marek H. tried to treat his depression by taking LSD, according to reports.nnAfflicted by the drug, he ran off into the Polish forest, stripped naked and discovered his "true personality" - that of a tiger.nnBemused foresters handed the pictures straight to police, who later apprehended Marek H., who turned out to be a 21-year-old from the northern Czech Republic town of Liberec.nnMarek confessed to police that he had taken the hallucinatory drug LSD.nnHe said it started to work immediately and that he felt he had become a Siberian tiger. He said that this was when is "true personality woke up."nnHe told policemen that, once he was a tiger, he had "picked up a scent" and felt compelled to follow it.nn In eight hours he travelled 25 kilometres (15.5 miles) along the Czech-Polish border, in a forested area.nnBecause the man did not have any drugs with him, he was only fined and will not face any further charges.nnThough with his naked pictures a source of amusement on the internet, he may try a different way to alleviate his depression in the future.

Organizatat që kanë vendosur kamera në kufirin Çeki – Poloni, për të xhiruar aktivitetin e kafshëve të egra, janë befasuar nga një njeri me veprime të çuditshme.

Pamjet e burrit që bënte lëvizje të pazakonta, ata i kanë dërguar në Polici dhe më pas është vërtetuar se për çfarë bëhej fjalë, transmeton Telegrafi.

Burri i njohur si Merek H, kishte marrë drogë dhe ajo ka ndikuar që ai të ndihet si tigër siberian.

“U drogova me LSD që të trajtoi depresionin që më ka kapluar. Më pas, te unë shfaqej gjendja ime e brendshme, që është një kafshë e egër dhe shkova në mal, u zhvesha dhe nisa të veprojë si tigër” ka thënë 21-vjeçari gjatë marrjes në pyetje.

Megjithëse nuk ka marrë ndonjë dënim, ai është detyruar që të shtrohet në klinikë psikiatrie, për të trajtuar problemet mendore.

Në fotografitë e postuara më poshtë, mund të shihen disa nga veprimet e tij, meqenëse videoja nuk është e denjë që të shfaqet. /Telegrafi/

Pic shows: man running like a tiger in the woods;nnA forest phototrap snapped an unexpected kind of wild beast - a naked man high on LSD who thought he was a tiger.nnA Czech man identified only as Marek H. tried to treat his depression by taking LSD, according to reports.nnAfflicted by the drug, he ran off into the Polish forest, stripped naked and discovered his "true personality" - that of a tiger.nnBemused foresters handed the pictures straight to police, who later apprehended Marek H., who turned out to be a 21-year-old from the northern Czech Republic town of Liberec.nnMarek confessed to police that he had taken the hallucinatory drug LSD.nnHe said it started to work immediately and that he felt he had become a Siberian tiger. He said that this was when is "true personality woke up."nnHe told policemen that, once he was a tiger, he had "picked up a scent" and felt compelled to follow it.nn In eight hours he travelled 25 kilometres (15.5 miles) along the Czech-Polish border, in a forested area.nnBecause the man did not have any drugs with him, he was only fined and will not face any further charges.nnThough with his naked pictures a source of amusement on the internet, he may try a different way to alleviate his depression in the future.

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