All over the world Google leads the search for ChatGPT and World Cup, in Kosovo and Albania dominates Big Brother search

Now as you know the famous ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) app has obsessed users around the world.
The online robot that quickly gained attention for its detailed and articulate answers in many fields of knowledge is one of the things people have searched for the most on Google in the past three months.
The 2022 World Cup held in Qatar which ended in December is also one of the things that people around the globe have been searching the most during these three months.
But in Kosovo and Albania, these searches are clearly “defeated” by the shows Big Brother VIP Kosovo and Big Brother VIP Albania – for which the Albanian people seem to have a special affection.
This after the five things that Kosovo Albanians have searched for the most on Google for the last three months, four of them are related to the Big Brother TV format, while ChatGPT ranks fifth.

A similar situation also prevails in Albania, where the Albanian population in the last three months has searched the most on Google for the Big Brother VIP Albania format, the ways of its live broadcast, also the fourth in the ranking is the competitor of this show – the artist Luiz Ejlli.
In fifth place, Albania has searched the most on Google for the World Cup matches .

It was the marketing expert Shpat Komoni, who wrote a status on the social media network Facebook, where he elaborated on this issue, extracting statistics and making a comparison between the searches made on Google by Albanians in Kosovo and Albania, and people around the world on a global level. /Telegrafi/
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