Një artist italian ka marrë vëmendjen e mediave…
Alessando Tomasi mundëson që të kthehemi pas në kohë për të parë sesi dukeshin personazhe të rëndësishme që kanë ngritur themelet e njerëzimi.
Tomasi rindërton imazhet duke pikturuar fytyrat e filozofëve, politikanëve dhe ushtarakëve antikë grekë e romakë (përfshirë polimatin arab Ibn Sina alias Avicena), duke përdorur si bazament statujat në muze apo përshkrimet që ka gjetur në tekstet e lashta.
Punimet më të veçanta të tij mund t’i shihni më poshtë. /Telegrafi/
Face reconstruction of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I (r. 527 to 565) pic.twitter.com/QH3kdSkMMH
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) December 22, 2020
Face reconstruction of Gaius Julius Caesar based on the Tusculum bust, the only remaining bust made during his lifetime (100-44 BC) pic.twitter.com/ZHaQczFBtm
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) January 16, 2021
Face reconstruction of the Greek Athenian statesman and orator Demosthenes (384-322 BC) pic.twitter.com/8J0t6lDR2z
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) December 21, 2020
Face reconstruction of a Fayum mummy portrait (2nd century AD) pic.twitter.com/JLBDw9bTaq
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) December 26, 2020
Face reconstruction of the Athenian tragedian Euripides (c. 480 – c. 406 BC) pic.twitter.com/5mfYh1Jct3
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) December 31, 2020
Face reconstruction of Septimia Zenobia, queen of the Palmyrene Empire (r. 267–272) pic.twitter.com/z1ofcE2Vll
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) January 4, 2021
Face reconstruction of the Roman general Scipio Africanus (236–183 BC) pic.twitter.com/9ypseguJpc
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) January 8, 2021
Face reconstruction of the Greek physician Hippocrates (c. 460 – c. 377 BC) pic.twitter.com/pz0Tp2fx8k
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) January 11, 2021
Face reconstruction of the Byzantine empress Theodora (r.527 to 548) pic.twitter.com/4ypfB6aMvp
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) January 15, 2021
Homer face reconstruction pic.twitter.com/3InLMniDKD
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) November 10, 2020
Socrates face reconstruction pic.twitter.com/jzJrrBOZUQ
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) November 14, 2020
Face reconstruction of the Stoic philosopher Chrysippus of Soli pic.twitter.com/TEx9B2Y5NY
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) November 17, 2020
Cleopatra face reconstruction based on the Berlin bust (mid-1st century BC) made around the time of her visits to Rome in 46–44 BC pic.twitter.com/5601ti5JNl
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) November 21, 2020
Face reconstruction of Hannibal Barca based on a bust found in Capua (Campania, Southern Italy), which is believed to have been made during his lifetime pic.twitter.com/xLTeJ7nUsg
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) November 28, 2020
Face reconstruction of the Roman emperor Elagabalus (r. 218-222 AD) based on a bust made around one year before he was assassinated in 222 AD at age 18. pic.twitter.com/pWZdHBaxFn
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) December 2, 2020
Face reconstruction of the Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero pic.twitter.com/1xRMkvLe76
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) December 9, 2020
Face reconstruction of the Roman emperor Hadrian (r. 117–138) pic.twitter.com/TtdUuEUE0X
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) December 12, 2020
Face reconstruction of the Roman emperor Caligula (r. 37-41) pic.twitter.com/Tf1fqD60Ev
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) December 16, 2020
Caracalla face recreation I’ve been working on pic.twitter.com/YVWRY9Tz5Y
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) July 31, 2020
Marcus Aurelius face reconstruction pic.twitter.com/B0IuB2PT5E
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) August 3, 2020
Pompey (Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus) face reconstruction pic.twitter.com/zYxHkfPRhm
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) August 28, 2020
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) August 30, 2020
Thucydides pic.twitter.com/2arT56u63G
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) September 10, 2020
Parmenides of Elea pic.twitter.com/O9CoPR3VWl
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) September 12, 2020
Alexander the Great face reconstruction based on the Lysippus bust and the Alexander Mosaic (Naples National Archaeological Museum) pic.twitter.com/QuJqRhsmOw
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) September 24, 2020
Face reconstruction of the Greco-Phoenician philosopher, mathematician and astronomer Thales of Miletus. pic.twitter.com/fA00VB2oaR
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) October 1, 2020
Herodotus face reconstruction pic.twitter.com/Hj8iFRzq2Z
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) October 6, 2020
Septimius Severus face reconstruction pic.twitter.com/U5qKcTR7oe
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) October 13, 2020
Antisthenes face reconstruction pic.twitter.com/xQqrWSNHxC
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) October 16, 2020
Plato face reconstruction pic.twitter.com/TT6GbAooyb
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) October 22, 2020
Face reconstruction of Persian polymath Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Aristotelean philosopher, best known as the father of early modern medicine pic.twitter.com/cuzny2JJrW
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) October 27, 2020
Aristotle face reconstruction pic.twitter.com/DMMzEa5kcE
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) October 30, 2020
Face reconstruction of the Greco-Phoenician philosopher Zeno of Citium, founder of the Stoic school of philosophy pic.twitter.com/b2NA28OhVA
— Alessandro Tomasi (@ATomasi__) November 3, 2020
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