94 percent of the consumption of chicken meat in Kosovo is imported

94 percent of the consumption of chicken meat in Kosovo is imported

The local production of chicken meat is only 6 percent, with the rest coming from imports.

This is what the MP of Vetëvendosje, Mirlinda Tishukaj – Sadiku said during the question addressed to the Minister of Trade, Rozeta Hajdari, adding what is being done to have protective measures for this product.

“During 2020, we imported meat in the amount of 38.9 million euros, in the following year the amount was 51.5 million euros, and for 2022, according to forecasts, this amount will reach 60 million euros. According to experts, Kosovo only meets 6 percent of its needs, with local production, while 94 percent is covered by imports,” said Tishukaj-Sadiku, Telegrafi reports.

Meanwhile, Hajdari said that in Kosovo there is only one licensed company for the production of chicken meat. “Regarding the import of chicken meat, we as ministry have consulted the legislation in force that has to do with protective measures, such as from the Kosovo Customs, the Poultry Association and the Food and Veterinary Agency. We have a licensed chicken meat company, and we have realized that even though we have an increase in production, we are not meeting the needs of the demands”, said Hajdari. /Telegrafi/