Selena Gomez kapet duke u puthur me The Weeknd (Foto)

Selena Gomez kapet duke u puthur me The Weeknd (Foto)
*PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE* Santa Monica, CA - Hot New Couple Selena Gomez and The Weeknd couldn’t keep their hands off each other as they emerged from Giorgio Baldi. The amorous pair were all smiles as they left the celebrity hotspot late at night following a long romantic dinner. Selena who has been linked to Orlando Bloom and dated Justin Bieber in the past, held on to her new man as they waited for their cars. The Weeknd (Abel Tesfaye) recently split from supermodel girlfriend Bella Hadid who he dated for 2 years. Selena couldn’t stop smiling and kept her arms tightly wrapped around her beau and the couple stopped to kiss often as they made their way out of the restaurant and headed to their car. AKM-GSI January 10, 2017 To License These Photos, Please Contact: Maria Buda (917) 242-1505 or Mark Satter (317) 691-9592

Mbrëmjen e djeshme TMZ publikoi disa fotografi të Selena Gomez me The Weeknd.

Dyshja u kap duke u përqafuar e puthur teksa dilnin nga lokali i natës Giorgio Baldi në Santa Monica.

Fotot janë shkrepur këtë të martë, ndërkohë që nuk dihet sesa kohë ka çifti që po shoqërohen. /Telegrafi/