Edhe Messi me biznes, shikoni restorantin e hapur sot prej futbollistit (Foto)

Edhe Messi me biznes, shikoni restorantin e hapur sot prej futbollistit (Foto)

Çdo futbollist i ri aspiron të bëhet si Lionel Messi.

Por, shumë tifozë tani mund të han ushqimet e preferuara të argjentinasit, pasi që së fundi Messi ka hapur një restorant familjar në Barcelonë.

Lionnel, vëllai i tij, Rodrigo si dhe motra e tyre, Marisol kanë hapur me krenari restorantin e quajtur ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte “në kryeqytetin katalanos, ku do të shërbehen një numër i madh i ushqimeve të shijshme dhe pije alkoolike dhe jo-alkoolike, transmeton Telegrafi.

Restoranti gjendet në rrugën Enric Granados, me numër 86, ndërsa ka një kopsht prej 1000 metra katrorë.

Shembull, për vetëm  8.77 funte, ju mund të ushqeheni me pica napolitane, të shoqëruara me  mish viçi, djathë dhe salcë domate.

Brenda hotelit luksoz të Cristiano Ronaldos (Foto)
Lexo po ashtu Brenda hotelit luksoz të Cristiano Ronaldos (Foto)

Kujtojmë se ditë më parë edhe rivali më i madh i argjentinasit, Cristiano Ronaldo ka hapur një hotel të ri në qytetin e tij të lindjes, Funchal. /Telegrafi/

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)

Pic shows: Restaurant Bellavista del Jardín del Norte The Messi family restaurant - featuring the best player in the world’s favourite dish - has just opened its doors. Argentine football icon Lionel Messi, 29, and his two brothers Rodrigo and Marisol have unveiled the ‘El Bellavista del Jardin del Norte’ in the Spanish city of Barcelona. For just 10.50 EUR (8.77 GBP), customers can taste Leo’s treasured Milanesa napolitiana a caballo - breaded veal accompanied by cheese and tomato sauce, a dish with strong influences from Italian cuisine. The locale is owned by the footballer’s brother Rodrigo and can be found at number 86 on Enric Granados Street close to the centre of the Spanish city. It has a 1,000-square-metre (10,764-square-foot) garden and is the result of a collaboration between the Messis and the Iglesias brothers – well known restaurateurs in the area. According to local reports, the restaurant is an homage to life in Rosario – where Leo Messi grew up and first started playing football before going to train at Barcelona at the age of 13. The eatery aims to become an important space in the neighbourhood and will serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, with several snacks, and a variety of alcohol including vermouths on the menu. (ends)