E çuditshme: I shpenzoi 100 mijë euro, për ta veshur Fiatin me mbi 100 kilogramë flokë njeriu (Foto)

E çuditshme: I shpenzoi 100 mijë euro, për ta veshur Fiatin me mbi 100 kilogramë flokë njeriu (Foto)
The Fiat 500 covered in human hair. See SWNS story SWHAIR; A stylist is selling her one-of-a-kind car after spending £75,000 decking it out with 100kg of HUMAN HAIR. Lucia Mugno spent 20 days covering the 1975 Fiat 500 with huge braids of black, blonde and brown hair from India. She transformed the humble city car into a one-of-a-kind machine with the interior including the STEERING WHEEL covered in hair. The car is understood to run perfectly although it is recommended Lucia avoids driving it around her hometown of Padula, Italy, when it is raining. The Fiat 500 is now in the Guinness Book of Records as The Hairiest Car in the World. Lucia is now selling the Fiat 500 through the Catawiki auction website - with the online marketplace giving the one-off motor a £110,000 estimate.

Lucia Mugno nga Padula e Italisë, i ka shpenzuar 20 ditë dhe afro 100 mijë euro për ta mbuluar një Fiat 500 me flokë njeriu.

Me 100 kilogramë material të dezinfektuar, të lyer dhe përpunuar, ky ekzemplar ka hyrë në Librin e Rekordeve të Ginisit, si ‘Vetura më Leshatorë ne Botë’, transmeton Telegrafi.

Mbi 80 për qind e automobilit të prodhuar në vitin 1975, është me flokë të dy ngjyrave, ndërsa të zbuluara janë vetëm pjesët elementare.

Me gjithë gërshetat e shumta dhe pjesët tjera të lëshuara, vetura lëviz në mënyrë normale në rrugë dhe nuk e ka asnjë pengesë.

“Është një veturë e rrallë dhe e punuar me përkushtim, që ka thyer edhe rekord botëror”, është përshkrimi që e shoqëron makinën që ka dalë në ankand.

Sidoqoftë, blerësit që mund ta ketë në posedim, i rekomandohet të mos e vozisë në mot me shi. /Telegrafi/

The Fiat 500 covered in human hair. See SWNS story SWHAIR; A stylist is selling her one-of-a-kind car after spending £75,000 decking it out with 100kg of HUMAN HAIR. Lucia Mugno spent 20 days covering the 1975 Fiat 500 with huge braids of black, blonde and brown hair from India. She transformed the humble city car into a one-of-a-kind machine with the interior including the STEERING WHEEL covered in hair. The car is understood to run perfectly although it is recommended Lucia avoids driving it around her hometown of Padula, Italy, when it is raining. The Fiat 500 is now in the Guinness Book of Records as The Hairiest Car in the World. Lucia is now selling the Fiat 500 through the Catawiki auction website - with the online marketplace giving the one-off motor a £110,000 estimate.

The Fiat 500 covered in human hair. See SWNS story SWHAIR; A stylist is selling her one-of-a-kind car after spending £75,000 decking it out with 100kg of HUMAN HAIR. Lucia Mugno spent 20 days covering the 1975 Fiat 500 with huge braids of black, blonde and brown hair from India. She transformed the humble city car into a one-of-a-kind machine with the interior including the STEERING WHEEL covered in hair. The car is understood to run perfectly although it is recommended Lucia avoids driving it around her hometown of Padula, Italy, when it is raining. The Fiat 500 is now in the Guinness Book of Records as The Hairiest Car in the World. Lucia is now selling the Fiat 500 through the Catawiki auction website - with the online marketplace giving the one-off motor a £110,000 estimate.

The Fiat 500 covered in human hair. See SWNS story SWHAIR; A stylist is selling her one-of-a-kind car after spending £75,000 decking it out with 100kg of HUMAN HAIR. Lucia Mugno spent 20 days covering the 1975 Fiat 500 with huge braids of black, blonde and brown hair from India. She transformed the humble city car into a one-of-a-kind machine with the interior including the STEERING WHEEL covered in hair. The car is understood to run perfectly although it is recommended Lucia avoids driving it around her hometown of Padula, Italy, when it is raining. The Fiat 500 is now in the Guinness Book of Records as The Hairiest Car in the World. Lucia is now selling the Fiat 500 through the Catawiki auction website - with the online marketplace giving the one-off motor a £110,000 estimate.