The case of Martin Berishaj, Tahiri from PDK says: In Slovenia he is in the headlines, but Osmani, Kurti and Gërvalla are defending him

The case of Martin Berishaj, Tahiri from PDK says: In Slovenia he is in the headlines, but Osmani, Kurti and Gërvalla are defending him

The head of Parliamentary Group of Democratic Party of Kosovo, Abelard Tahiri, once again has returned to the case of Ambassador Martin Berishaj, regarding the claims of “a financial affair that included energy trading with the GEN-I, a company based in Belgrade”.

In a post on Facebook, Tahiri writes that the protection that the government has given and is continuing to give for Martin Berishaj is evidence that these officials are deeply involved as shareholders in this affair.

“Martin Berishaj’s affair, a headline news in Slovenia and the regional media, was “surprisingly” completely unnoticed by President Osmani, Prime Minister Kurti and Minister Gërvalla. The protection that the government has given and is giving to Martin Berishaj, is proof in itself that these executives are deeply involved as shareholders in this affair”, Tahiri wrote on Facebook.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, deputy of Democratic League of Kosovo, Driton Selmanaj, has warned that he will sue Martin Berishaj Kosovo’s Ambassador to Croatia, for false declaration of assets.

According to Selmanaj, the Ambassador lied under oath while reporting to the Investigative Commission for Energy in November of last year, where Selmanaj is the chairman. /Telegrafi/

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