Pleqtë e kapin hajnin që kërkohej për 18 muaj nga Policia (Foto)

Pleqtë e kapin hajnin që kërkohej për 18 muaj nga Policia (Foto)
02/10/2016: A Derbyshire police officer's body cam captures the amazing moment three pensioners caught Stephen Ward, a crime-spree burglar who had evaded police for 18 months. Peter Mueller, 70, from Germany, was visiting the house of his recently passed away mother-in-law when he was shocked to spot Ward standing in the corridor with a bag of jewellery. Mr Mueller ñ plus elderly relatives Adly Gorrafa, 81, and Sheila Gorrafa, 78 ñ tackled Ward to the ground and held him on the floor while neighbours called the police. Ward, of Heanor Derbyshire, has now been jailed for 27 months. See copy by Raymonds Press.

Peter Mueller e ka zënë Stephen Wardin duke vjedhur në shtëpinë e vjehrrës së tij në Derbyshire të Anglisë, pak ditë pasi ajo kishte vdekur.

Burri 70-vjeçar, me ndihëm e kushërinjve Adly dhe Sheila Gorrofa – që janë 81 dhe 78-vjeç – ia kanë dalë ta kapin dhe ta mbajnë hajnin derisa ka rritur Policia, transmeton Telegrafi.

Këta të fundit për 18 muaj me radhë e kishin kërkuar Wardin, por nuk ia dilnin ta zinin.

Për këtë kontribut në siguri, pensionistët që janë quajtur ‘Tre Musketarët’ janë shpërblyer me çmimin për trimëri. /Telegrafi/

02/10/2016: A Derbyshire police officer's body cam captures the amazing moment three pensioners caught Stephen Ward, a crime-spree burglar who had evaded police for 18 months. Peter Mueller, 70, from Germany, was visiting the house of his recently passed away mother-in-law when he was shocked to spot Ward standing in the corridor with a bag of jewellery. Mr Mueller ñ plus elderly relatives Adly Gorrafa, 81, and Sheila Gorrafa, 78 ñ tackled Ward to the ground and held him on the floor while neighbours called the police. Ward, of Heanor Derbyshire, has now been jailed for 27 months. See copy by Raymonds Press.

02/10/2016: A Derbyshire police officer's body cam captures the amazing moment three pensioners caught Stephen Ward, a crime-spree burglar who had evaded police for 18 months. Peter Mueller, 70, from Germany, was visiting the house of his recently passed away mother-in-law when he was shocked to spot Ward standing in the corridor with a bag of jewellery. Mr Mueller ñ plus elderly relatives Adly Gorrafa, 81, and Sheila Gorrafa, 78 ñ tackled Ward to the ground and held him on the floor while neighbours called the police. Ward, of Heanor Derbyshire, has now been jailed for 27 months. See copy by Raymonds Press.

02/10/2016: A Derbyshire police officer's body cam captures the amazing moment three pensioners caught Stephen Ward, a crime-spree burglar who had evaded police for 18 months. Peter Mueller, 70, from Germany, was visiting the house of his recently passed away mother-in-law when he was shocked to spot Ward standing in the corridor with a bag of jewellery. Mr Mueller ñ plus elderly relatives Adly Gorrafa, 81, and Sheila Gorrafa, 78 ñ tackled Ward to the ground and held him on the floor while neighbours called the police. Ward, of Heanor Derbyshire, has now been jailed for 27 months. See copy by Raymonds Press.

02/10/2016: A Derbyshire police officer's body cam captures the amazing moment three pensioners caught Stephen Ward, a crime-spree burglar who had evaded police for 18 months. Peter Mueller, 70, from Germany, was visiting the house of his recently passed away mother-in-law when he was shocked to spot Ward standing in the corridor with a bag of jewellery. Mr Mueller ñ plus elderly relatives Adly Gorrafa, 81, and Sheila Gorrafa, 78 ñ tackled Ward to the ground and held him on the floor while neighbours called the police. Ward, of Heanor Derbyshire, has now been jailed for 27 months. See copy by Raymonds Press.

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