Pacientit që vuante nga kapsllëku, i hoqën nga zorra masën gjigante (Foto, +18)

Pacientit që vuante nga kapsllëku, i hoqën nga zorra masën gjigante (Foto, +18)
Pic shows: Surgeon Yin Lu with the man's removed colon section; A team of surgeons have removed 30 inches of a man’s large intestine after diagnosing him with a rare condition that caused his excrement to become stuck inside him. The unnamed male patient, 22, is believed to have been born with the congenital condition known as Hirschsprung’s disease - also known as "HD" - which shows with a lack of nerves in some muscles inside his colon and means his stool cannot pass. As a result, the man’s abdomen began to bulge at a very young age - to the point where people thought he appeared heavily pregnant - and he had to rely on laxatives and other constipation medicine to force bowel movements to happen. Doctor Yin Lu and his team of experts at the 10th People’s Hospital of Shanghai, in East China, met with the man and claimed they were stunned by the size of the man’s abdomen, noting that "it looked like it could explode at any time." They did not say why he chose to finally seek medical attention, but reports suggested it was because of intense discomfort. The medic’s instinct told him that the patient was suffering from a form of megacolon and tests quickly confirmed that the young man had months’ - if not years’ - worth of faeces trapped in the degenerative section of his colon. He was taken into what was eventually a three-hour surgery to have 76 centimetres (30 inches) of his large intestine removed. It was stitched closed at either end to prevent his stool from falling out and was in the end measured at some 13 kilogrammes (28 lbs). The patient is stable and is expected to make a full recovery. HD is said to occur in roughly one out of every 5,000 birth and is usually diagnosed in children; however, some sufferers do not realise they have the condition until they reach adulthood.

Yin Lu nga Shangai i Kinës, ka qenë në krye të operacionit për heqjen e një mase gjigante që i ishte krijuar një pacienti në zorrën e trashë.

Në barkun e 22-vjeçarit që vuante nga kapsllëku kronik, ishte mbledhur për vite me radhë sasi e jashtëqitjeve që arrinte deri në 13 kilogramë, transmeton Telegrafi.

Masa prej 13 kilogramësh që iu krijua në zorrë

Pas operimit të mundimshëm prej tre orësh, mjekët ia kanë dalë ta largojnë këtë formësim të gjatë 78 centimetra.

“Dukej sikur ishte gati të eksplodonte në çdo kohë, por më në fund e larguam”, ka thënë mjeku Lu lidhur me rastin.

Mësohet se ai kishte lindur me një sëmundje të rrallë, që nuk e lejonte të ndjente muskujt dhe për pasojë iu formua kjo gjë në bark, që e bënte të dukej sikur të ishte shtatzënë. /Telegrafi/

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