The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports published on Thursday an article on the support of federations and clubs in 2022 for the sponsorship law.

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports published on Thursday an article on the support of federations and clubs in 2022 for the sponsorship law.

The year 2022 was generally fruitful for sports federations and clubs, which benefited greatly from the sponsorship law.

According to MKRS, the total value of sports support is more than 9.1 million euros.

The sport that benefited the most from this law was undoubtedly football, which benefited support from businesses with a total of 3,597,245 million euros from 236 certifications.

After football comes basketball which was supported with 3,271,893 million euros from 235 certifications and volleyball third with 481,350 thousand euros from 70 certifications.

Auto sports come after with 294,450 thousand euros, judo with 244,000 thousand euros, the Olympic Committee of Kosovo with 220,000 thousand euros, handball with 204,200 thousand euros and skiing with 120,000 euros.

22 sports or other federations were supported in general with 685,316 thousand euros.

Through the Sponsorship Law, the state of Kosovo enables businesses to be exempted from paying up to 30% profit tax and direct that budget to sports.


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