The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli, has stated that KEK has never purchased electricity from the GEN company of Serbia during the Kurti government.
In the session of the Assembly, she responded to the criticism of the opposition, saying that the emergency energy measures had their effect.
“KEK has never bought electricity from GEN of Serbia during our governance,” she said.
She debunked claims that the emergency measures had no impact as a myth.
“Regarding the misconception that the emergency measures had no effect, I just have two things to say. Initially, the price of pellets dropped from 750 euros per ton to 300 euros per ton, a 60% fall as a result of the export ban. As a result of your constitutional court submission of the law permitting the setting of the cap price, this was the only course of action we could pursue.
I’ve never understood whose interests you are defending with this move; they are most obviously not the interests of the people of Kosovo. Second, the ban on cryptocurrencies has resulted in the destruction of eight cryptocurrency “farms” in the northern part of Kosovo, also the seizure of over 600 illegal devices, an action which saves citizens millions of euros annually, and as a result of these actions and the fight against other illegal activities in the region, the north’s electricity consumption has decreased for the first time, whereas in the past it had increased by 8 to 12% annually”, said Minister Rizvanolli. /Telegrafi/
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