I hiqet tumori gjigant që ia kishte përfshirë tërë fytyrën: Lufta pesëvjeçare për fytyrë normale! (Foto, +16)

I hiqet tumori gjigant që ia kishte përfshirë tërë fytyrën: Lufta pesëvjeçare për fytyrë normale! (Foto, +16)

Mike Koech nga Kenia, i është nënshtruar disa operacioneve, për t’ia hequr tumorin që i kishte përfshirë tërë fytyrën.

Tumori gjigant që vazhdonte të rritej, ia kishte mbyllur njërin sy, ndërsa kishte ndryshuar vendin e hundës dhe gojës së 36-vjeçarit, transmeton Telegrafi.

Po të mos operohej, masa do vazhdonte të zgjerohej, fytyra do t’i deformohej, ndërsa rrezikonte të vdiste.

Për shkak të gjendjes së rëndë, mjekët në Keni nuk pranonin të ndërhynin. Por, këtë e bëri një kirurg në Spanjë.

“Gjendja tij ishte e tmerrshme dhe çdo ndërhyrje, sado e dështuar, do t’ia lehtësonte situatën”, ka thënë Pedro Cavadas, që ka qenë në krye të ekipit të operimit.

Tani, pas disa operimeve që i janë bërë prej vitit 2011 e deri në tetor të këtij viti, ai duket krejt ndryshe.

“Ne e bëmë një pakt: nëse ai vdes gjatë operimit, unë do të kujdesem për familjen e tij. Po bëhen pesë vite që jemi së bashku, andaj e kam shok e jo pacient”, ka shtuar kirurgu Cavadas.

Megjithëse nuk ka pasur mundësi t’i shpëtohet njëri sy, tumori i është hequr dhe ka ndaluar së rrituri. /Telegrafi/


Pic shows: Mike Koech speaking at the conference (after surgery); A man with an astonishing facial tumour almost the size of his head is recovering after a series of operations to remove it. The giant tumour was so large it had blinded Kenyan-born Mike Koech in one eye and threatened to kill him as it continued to grow. Spanish surgeon Pedro Cavadas, 51, has told how if it had not been operated on it would have continued to grow and Koech would have "died miserably." The tumour began as a small growth which continued to grow until it had consumed one side of 35-year-old Koech's face. It became so large that his nose and mouth were pushed to one side and he lost his left eye. Surgeons in Kenya and India had abandoned attempts to operate, intimated by the sheer size of the growth. Cavadas explained: "The size of the tumour scared doctors in India, and in that country there are good hospitals." He added: "He was at the limit of being operated, but the alternative for Mike was to die miserably and any option was better than that." Cavadas - who heard about the case through the Red Cross - flew Koech to his clinic in Manises hospital, Valencia, through his charitable medical foundation. Now - after a series of four operations in 2011, 2013 and 2015 and October this year- Keoch is almost unrecognisable. Cavadas' team had to remove what remained of his left eye and part of his jaw, which is where the tumour had been regenerating itself. Now Koech - who lost both his legs in a childhood accident - is set to return to Kenya on Sunday (4th December) to return to his job as a motorbike taxi driver. Cavadas said: "We could never remove his right eye because he would not be able to take care of his family. "In addition, he is my friend and I made a pact with him, if we were not able to control the tumour, I would take care of his family." The pair became so close that Koech's newborn daughter was named Carmen, after the surgeon's late mother. Cavadas said: "During the process of recovery, Mike had a new daughter and he said that was thanks to me and he asked me to give her a name. "At that time my mother had just died and I gave her her name, Carmen, who would have cried a lot about his story. We have a half-daughter."

Pic shows: Mike Koech and Pedro Cavadas (Mike is seen here after the surgery);nnA man with an astonishing facial tumour almost the size of his head is recovering after a series of operations to remove it.nnThe giant tumour was so large it had blinded Kenyan-born Mike Koech in one eye and threatened to kill him as it continued to grow.nnSpanish surgeon Pedro Cavadas, 51, has told how if it had not been operated on it would have continued to grow and Koech would have "died miserably."nnThe tumour began as a small growth which continued to grow until it had consumed one side of 35-year-old Koech's face.nnIt became so large that his nose and mouth were pushed to one side and he lost his left eye.nnSurgeons in Kenya and India had abandoned attempts to operate, intimated by the sheer size of the growth.nnCavadas explained: "The size of the tumour scared doctors in India, and in that country there are good hospitals."nnHe added: "He was at the limit of being operated, but the alternative for Mike was to die miserably and any option was better than that."nnCavadas - who heard about the case through the Red Cross - flew Koech to his clinic in Manises hospital, Valencia, through his charitable medical foundation.nnNow - after a series of four operations in 2011, 2013 and 2015 and October this year- Keoch is almost unrecognisable.nnCavadas' team had to remove what remained of his left eye and part of his jaw, which is where the tumour had been regenerating itself.nnNow Koech - who lost both his legs in a childhood accident - is set to return to Kenya on Sunday (4th December) to return to his job as a motorbike taxi driver.nnCavadas said: "We could never remove his right eye because he would not be able to take care of his family.nn"In addition, he is my friend and I made a pact with him, if we were not able to control the tumour, I would take care of his family."nnThe pair became so close that Koech's newborn daughter was named Carmen, after the surgeon's late mother.nnCavadas said: "During the process of recovery, Mike had a new daughter and he said that was thanks to me and he asked me to give her a name.nn"At that time my mother had just died and I gave her her name, Carmen, who would have cried a lot about his story. We have a half-daughter."

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