The name of here now is listed on the top successful Albanians overseas and outside the country. It is Njomza Vitia, the artist from the capital city of Prishtina that helds all the possible attributes to become a music star, a goal that she is chasing and has been dreaming since her childhood. Njomza became a known name for Albanians , when few weeks ago Ariana Grande thanked her publicly for compozing her song named “7 Rings”.
In the same time this marks her first interview for an Albanian media , inside she gives a really strong message , while she greets all her Albanian people who supported and belived on her exceptionally talent.
Njomza , you are one of the few Albanians that are having a whopping success on America. Tell us , are you enjoying this?
I am enjoying the success, it is something that I have been working on for a very long time, ever since I was a little kid. It is a dream come true to have people listening to my music.
The song “Me and you” is your last one, and it was loved by your audience. Please tell us, do you have any further plans after this song?
I am enjoying the success, it is something that I have been working on for a very long time, ever since I was a little kid. It is a dream come true to have people listening to my music.
The other one “Lonely Nights” has been the most successful song of you till now. Which message you transmit to your audience with your songs?
“Lonely nights” is on a project called Vacation. Vacation is about finding yourself, about exploring yourself, even if that is through exploring other people. But just knowing that you are confident in the person you are. At the end of the day, Vacation is meant to be a trip towards discovery.
We’ve seen that you and Ariana Grande go along well together, tell us a little bit how did you girls meet?
Ariana and I met through Mac Miller, he is an artist that I was signed to.
Grande thanked you for her two successful songs “7 rings” and “Thank you,next”. How does it feel to work with a famous singer like Ariana?
This is my first placement as a songwriter. It feels good for it to have reached the success that it has.
Since you two are so close with each other , will we expect any collab in the future?
There might be a collaboration for us in the future, I would love that. Right now, I am mainly focused on my own songs, and getting them out to the world. I have so many songs that are unreleased.
Tell us on short terms, what are your future goals?
I want to reach the world with my music, and I would love to go on a world tour. If I can keep releasing music for the rest of my life, that would make me really happy. I also want to help women in need, the LGBTQ community, and also people who live in poverty. Giving back is something that is important to me.
Njomza , you are originally from Prishtina. Have you ever been in Kosovo , and will you be here again?
Yes, I have been to Kosove and Albania. I grew up going to Kosove in the summers for three months at a time. The last time I was in Kosove was when I was 18. It has been way too long, it has been six years since I have been and I really cannot wait to come back. I want to plan something special for when I come back.
How do the famous singers act when you tell them where is your origin. Do they have a problem to recognize Kosovo , and where it is?
Most people do not know where Kosove is. I have to let them know. But they do know Albanians since we are making such a good impact in the music world. A lot of people say they would like to visit when I do tell them about it.
Maybe till now you’ve met even other famous Albanian singers like Rita Ora, Dua Lipa, Bebe Rexha or Ava Max. Which is your favorite and have you ever had the chance to meet any from them in person?
I met Bebe Rexha one time at a party and she was very sweet. I am sure one day I will cross paths with the others. I am very proud of all the Albanian women that are killing it in music right now. I cannot pick a favorite, I think they are all special in their own ways.
Will you accept any collaboration with them in the future?
I would love collaborate with any of them. I think women need to stick together, especially Albanian women.
Njomza, thank you a lot for this interview. Any last message for people that read this interview?
I just want to thank anybody that has been listening to me, supporting me, and helping me achieve my dreams. If you are new to who I am, I hope that you will enjoy my music and I hope to meet all of you in Kosove and Albania very soon! /Telegrafi/
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