The British company announces that there are 640 thousand tons of gold at the exit of Pristina

The British company announces that there are 640 thousand tons of gold at the exit of Pristina

The British mining research company Western Tethyan Resources announces that there are 640 thousand tons of gold in the village of Slivovo.

According to the announcement, this area that is suspected to have gold is about 20 kilometers from Pristina.

The main zone at Slivova has an inferred resource of 640 kt [640 thousand tonnes] or 4.8 gr/tonnes gold for 98,700 ounces,” it is stated in the company’s report, reports Telegrafi.

WTR’s managing director, Mentor Demi, points out that the company’s approach has confirmed the potential for the gold project in this area.

“We are very pleased with the successful completion of the business assessment at the Slivova gold project and with the preparations for entering into the definitive benefit agreement with Avrupa Minerals. Our systematic approach to mining research and development has resulted in confirmation of resources with economic potential and confirmation of research potential for the Slivova gold project. We look forward to providing new announcements regarding the VPE study for the project, along with other research results, in the near future,” Demi points out.

The conceptual study of the Slivova project completed during the business assessment phase has suggested a potential for a small mine with good management options for exploitation, processing, and waste management. /Telegrafi/

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