Britaniku nxori dhëmbin me një palë darë, pasi iu refuzua termini për shkak të coronavirusit

Britaniku nxori dhëmbin me një palë darë, pasi iu refuzua termini për shkak të coronavirusit

Britanikut të cilit iu refuzua termini urgjent për dhëmbë për shkak të coronavirusit, nxori dhëmbin e tij duke përdorur një palë darë.

Sipas mediave të huaja, përcjell Telegrafi, Billy Taylor, 33-vjeç, kaloi një orë duke tentuar të qetësojë dhimbjen pasi i ishte bërë e “padurueshme”.

Ai ishte përpjekur të telefononte një dentist dhe madje bëri thirrje emergjente, mirëpo, atij i kishin thënë se nuk do të kontrollohej vetëm nëse përballej me probleme të frymëmarrjes.

Billy Taylor with his own tooth that he pulled out. See SWNS story SWPLtooth; A man decided to use a pair of pliers to pull his own TOOTH after he failed to get an emergency appointment - due to the coronavirus lockdown. Billy Taylor, 33, spent an hour working the gnasher out with the help of his son earlier this week (14th) as the pain had become too much. He had tried to get into his local dentist and even called 111 when that failed - but was told that he wouldn't be seen unless he was struggling to breathe. It was then that Billy decided to perform the procedure on himself using a tool from work - and a couple of shots of whisky. He said the pesky tooth eventually came out after much pushing and pulling - and the pain disappeared almost instantly. But Billy, from Tiverton, Devon, said he wouldn't recommend that anyone else try it as they may cause more damage.

Ndërkaq autoritetet dentare kanë paralajmëruar se tani njerëzit dita-ditës duhet të mësohen t’i përballojnë vetë këto probleme, nëse masat e rrepta të bllokimit i mbajnë të mbyllura këto klinika për operacione.

Taylor nga provinca e Devon të Anglisë, kreu procedurën duke përdorur mjete pune dhe uiski si qetësues.

Ai tha se dhëmbin e nxori pasi e tërhoqi shumë, ndërsa dhimbja iu zhduk pothuajse menjëherë.

Billy Taylor with his son Leo, 11, Who helped with the procedure. See SWNS story SWPLtooth; A man decided to use a pair of pliers to pull his own TOOTH after he failed to get an emergency appointment - due to the coronavirus lockdown. Billy Taylor, 33, spent an hour working the gnasher out with the help of his son earlier this week (14th) as the pain had become too much. He had tried to get into his local dentist and even called 111 when that failed - but was told that he wouldn't be seen unless he was struggling to breathe. It was then that Billy decided to perform the procedure on himself using a tool from work - and a couple of shots of whisky. He said the pesky tooth eventually came out after much pushing and pulling - and the pain disappeared almost instantly. But Billy, from Tiverton, Devon, said he wouldn't recommend that anyone else try it as they may cause more damage.

“Isha me të vërtetë keq, dhe ënjtja po përkeqësohej”, tha Taylor.

“Mendova, pse nuk e heq vetë më mirë”, shtoi ai. /Telegrafi/

Billy Taylor with his own tooth that he pulled out. See SWNS story SWPLtooth; A man decided to use a pair of pliers to pull his own TOOTH after he failed to get an emergency appointment - due to the coronavirus lockdown. Billy Taylor, 33, spent an hour working the gnasher out with the help of his son earlier this week (14th) as the pain had become too much. He had tried to get into his local dentist and even called 111 when that failed - but was told that he wouldn't be seen unless he was struggling to breathe. It was then that Billy decided to perform the procedure on himself using a tool from work - and a couple of shots of whisky. He said the pesky tooth eventually came out after much pushing and pulling - and the pain disappeared almost instantly. But Billy, from Tiverton, Devon, said he wouldn't recommend that anyone else try it as they may cause more damage.

Billy Taylor with his own tooth that he pulled out. See SWNS story SWPLtooth; A man decided to use a pair of pliers to pull his own TOOTH after he failed to get an emergency appointment - due to the coronavirus lockdown. Billy Taylor, 33, spent an hour working the gnasher out with the help of his son earlier this week (14th) as the pain had become too much. He had tried to get into his local dentist and even called 111 when that failed - but was told that he wouldn't be seen unless he was struggling to breathe. It was then that Billy decided to perform the procedure on himself using a tool from work - and a couple of shots of whisky. He said the pesky tooth eventually came out after much pushing and pulling - and the pain disappeared almost instantly. But Billy, from Tiverton, Devon, said he wouldn't recommend that anyone else try it as they may cause more damage.

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