Babai pranon se e ka nxjerrë vajzën në shitje përmes internetit, por se ishte shaka (Foto)

Babai pranon se e ka nxjerrë vajzën në shitje përmes internetit, por se ishte shaka (Foto)
Pic shows: The newborn baby that has been offered for sale on Ebay. Police are investigating after a baby girl was put up for sale on the eBay online auction website. The one-month-old tot, called Maria, was put up for sale with offers invited over 5,000 EUR (4,510 GBP). According to the listing, which was taken down by eBay within 30 minutes, Maria lives in the city of Duisburg in western Germany's state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The seller included photographs of dark-haired Maria wearing a variety of sleepsuits in the listing which was entitled: "Child, 40 days old named MariaÖ for sale." The listing quickly went viral on social media and internet forums where users were scandalised that somebody would post such a listing. eBay spokesman Pierre Du Bois said the company removed the listing and informed the police as soon as they were aware of the matter. He said: "We received a lot of complaints from users and we immediately pursued the matter. In such a case, we provide the authorities with all available information." It is not yet clear whether the eBay seller really wanted to make money out of the baby or whether it was all just a bad joke. Mr Du Bois said that eBay suffered from its fair share of hoax listings including both bad jokes and attempts to defraud users. "We immediately ban these providers. We have specially trained teams which keep track on such cases and quickly react," he said. (ends)

Një baba i paemëruar nga Duisburg i Gjermanisë, është intervistuar nga Policia pasi e kishte vënë vajzën në shitje përmes internetit.

Burri 28-vjeçar ka pranuar se e ka ofruar vogëlushen që ka lindur para 40 ditësh për pesëmijë euro në eBay, por se ishte vetëm për të bërë shaka, transmeton Telegrafi.

Mirëpo, forcat e rendit nuk e kanë parë këtë si mahi dhe e kanë marrë vajzën në institutin për mbrojtjen e fëmijëve.

Megjithëse po hetohet për trafikim me njerëz, dyshimet janë se ai me të vërtetë ka dashur të bëj shaka, e jo ta shesë me të vërtetë. /Telegrafi/

Pic shows: The newborn baby that has been offered for sale on Ebay. Police are investigating after a baby girl was put up for sale on the eBay online auction website. The one-month-old tot, called Maria, was put up for sale with offers invited over 5,000 EUR (4,510 GBP). According to the listing, which was taken down by eBay within 30 minutes, Maria lives in the city of Duisburg in western Germany's state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The seller included photographs of dark-haired Maria wearing a variety of sleepsuits in the listing which was entitled: "Child, 40 days old named MariaÖ for sale." The listing quickly went viral on social media and internet forums where users were scandalised that somebody would post such a listing. eBay spokesman Pierre Du Bois said the company removed the listing and informed the police as soon as they were aware of the matter. He said: "We received a lot of complaints from users and we immediately pursued the matter. In such a case, we provide the authorities with all available information." It is not yet clear whether the eBay seller really wanted to make money out of the baby or whether it was all just a bad joke. Mr Du Bois said that eBay suffered from its fair share of hoax listings including both bad jokes and attempts to defraud users. "We immediately ban these providers. We have specially trained teams which keep track on such cases and quickly react," he said. (ends)

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