Activating the Next Generation of Business Leaders in Kosovo with the EBRD’s Youth in Business Programme and Banka për Biznes

Activating the Next Generation of Business Leaders in Kosovo  with the EBRD’s Youth in Business Programme and Banka për Biznes

On the 21st November 2023, in Prishtina, Banka për Biznes and EBRD organised the first “Youth in Business” networking event for young entrepreneurs from all regions in Kosovo as well as experts in finance, ISO, startups, digital marketing and strategy, representatives of local and international chambers, youth hubs and associations. This event was a contribution towards the needs of the future business leaders: building skills and solid networks.

Banka për Biznes used the opportunity to present the EBRD’s “Youth in Business” programme and its achievements, after its implementation in Kosovo for the first time, as well as complementary advisory services and training for young entrepreneurs who represent the new energy for the development of the economy of Kosovo.

Banka për Biznes disbursed loans to 50 small businesses led by youth under age of 35, all across Kosovo.

Mimoza Godanci – Aliu, the CEO of Banka për Biznes, stated that BpB as a bank rooted in Kosova and committed to the country’s development as driven by entrepreneurial energy. BpB wants to make a difference for young entrepreneurs who are making a vital part of the local economy. Banka për Biznes understands that young business-leaders in Kosovo need more than just funding, but also non-financial support such as training, networking, mentoring and digital tools to run their businesses and to deliver support that works well for young business community.

Sergiy Maslichenko,  the Head of EBRD in Kosovo stated that the EBRD’s Youth in Business programme is present in five countries in Western Balkans: Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The EBRD’s Western Balkans Youth in Business Programme expects to provide a total of €100 million to local banks in the region over the coming years. In addition to finance, the Bank will provide advisory services in the form of consultancy projects, e-learning and training.

Aktivizimi i gjeneratës së ardhshme të Liderëve të Biznesit në Kosovë me Programin “Rinia në Biznes” të BERZH-it dhe BPB-së
Lexo po ashtu Aktivizimi i gjeneratës së ardhshme të Liderëve të Biznesit në Kosovë me Programin “Rinia në Biznes” të BERZH-it dhe BPB-së


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) launched its flagship “Youth in Business” programme in Kosovo in cooperation with Banka për Biznes.

The Youth in Business (#YiB) programme provides micro, small and medium-sized enterprises majority-owned or managed by people under the age of 35 with access to the necessary knowledge, skills, financing and other key resources essential to overcome challenges and reaching full potential.

Banka për Biznes is the first financial institution in Kosovo that approves loans within the Youth in Business programme. For the development of entrepreneurship among young people, it is essential to provide incentives – not only in financial form, but also through education, mentoring and networking. By offering a mix of financial support and non-financial resources, young entrepreneurs get the opportunity to realize their business ambitions and contribute to the economic development of the community.

The financial support for the Youth in Business programme in the form of funds for technical cooperation, was provided by Sweden through the Swedish Agency for International Development and Cooperation; Italy through the Central European Initiative; and Luxembourg through the EBRD Small Business Impact Fund.

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