Shkatërrohet Lamborghini që u vozitë në rrugë të ngrirë (Foto)

Shkatërrohet Lamborghini që u vozitë në rrugë të ngrirë (Foto)

Burri nga Rusia i njohur vetëm si Aleksanyan, e ka postuar një fotografi në rrjetet sociale, duke e përqafuar Lamborghinin në shenjë lamtumire.

Shoferi amator nuk kishte ditur të manovroj supermakinën dhe ka rrëshqitur në rrugën e ngrirë, transmeton Telegrafi.

Për pasojë, vetura e prodhuar në Itali është shkaktuar, pasi i janë dëmtuar të gjitha pjesët e brendshme.

“Po, ndihem shumë keq, por mjafton që shpëtova dhe jam gjallë. Do ta blejë një tjetër edhe më të mirë”, ka shkruar ai përbri fotografisë. /Telegrafi/

Pic shows: The Lamborghini after the accident. The owner is hugging the car. A driver who wrote off his Lamborghini sports car when he ploughed into a lamp post has been caught on camera giving it a goodbye hug. The man lost control on an icy road in the Russian capital city of Moscow and slammed head-on into the pole at speed. He later posted a photograph of himself hugging the boot of the badly damaged car and posted it on social media where he is known as ëaleksanyan500í. Aleksanyan seemed in good spirits despite ruining his expensive sports car. He admitted: "I was driving the Lamborghini to a car park, when I lost control of the car. "Yes, I feel sorry, but bottom line I am still alive. I am sure that even though this car is gone, Iíll get another one, even better." He said that he was not rich and had not been reckless with the car but had underestimated its ability to cope with the snow and ice of a Moscow winter. Aleksanyan added: "Yes, it is not a winter car, and I am not one of the golden kids. So please if you do not know exactly what happened, donít judge me." He also posted a video of him later sitting on the back of the now snow-covered car as a pick-up truck arrived to tow it away, commenting: "This is a new type of a sled." The 'golden youth' is the name given to Russia's rich kids who have risen to previously unknown wealth in Putin's Russia. (ends)