Infermierja lindi në veturë, sepse nuk deshi që kolegët ta shohin të zhveshur (Foto)

Infermierja lindi në veturë, sepse nuk deshi që kolegët ta shohin të zhveshur (Foto)
William Blaze (2 days), at home in The Hobbins, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. An ambulance worker was forced to give birth in a car at the side of the road because she was too embarrassed and didn't want her colleagues to see her in an "undignified state". See NTI story NTIBIRTH. Sarah Blaze, 35, was sent home from hospital and told she was in early labour at 10pm on Friday (11/11). But when her waters broke at home an hour later she refused to call an ambulance because she didn't want colleagues to see "all of her". Instead she decided to get her husband Stuart, 40, to drive her 15 miles to New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, West Mids. The couple were forced to pull over on the Bridgnorth Road in Wightwick, West Mids., at 12.26am on Saturday (12/11) when Sarah felt the urge to push. Incredibly, Stuart didn't even have time to get out of the driver's seat before he had to help deliver William in their red Nissan X-Trail. The heroic dad even managed unwrap the umbilical cord which had got stuck around the newborn baby's neck. An ambulance then arrived two minutes later to take Sarah and William, who weighed 8lbs 2ozs, to hospital to be checked over.

Sarah Blaze nga Wolverhampton i Anglisë, ka lindur në veturën e parkuar në skaj të rrugës, sepse nuk ka dashur që kolegët e saj nga ambulanca ku punon ta shohin të zhveshur.

Gruaja 35-vjeçare, nuk ia ka dalë të shkojë në spital sepse ka hyrë në procesin e lindjes para kohe, ndërsa ka refuzuar të kërkoj ndihmë nga qendra e kujdesit që e ka në afërsi, transmeton Telegrafi.

Shtatzëna e ka konsideruar të padenjë, që ky proces të kryhet në prani të njerëzve të cilët i sheh çdo ditë dhe takohet me ta.

“Nuk do të mund t’i shihja më në sy, do më dukej e bezdisshme”, ka thënë Blaze, pasi ka treguar se është ndihmuar nga bashkëshorti.

Asaj i ka ardhur në jetë një djalë i shëndoshë, i cili përkundër që lindi më herët, ka gjendje të përkryer. /Telegrafi/

Stuart Blaze (40), Sarah Blaze (35), William Blaze (2 days), at their home in The Hobbins, Bridgnorth, Shropshire. An ambulance worker was forced to give birth in a car at the side of the road because she was too embarrassed and didn't want her colleagues to see her in an "undignified state". See NTI story NTIBIRTH. Sarah Blaze, 35, was sent home from hospital and told she was in early labour at 10pm on Friday (11/11). But when her waters broke at home an hour later she refused to call an ambulance because she didn't want colleagues to see "all of her". Instead she decided to get her husband Stuart, 40, to drive her 15 miles to New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton, West Mids. The couple were forced to pull over on the Bridgnorth Road in Wightwick, West Mids., at 12.26am on Saturday (12/11) when Sarah felt the urge to push. Incredibly, Stuart didn't even have time to get out of the driver's seat before he had to help deliver William in their red Nissan X-Trail. The heroic dad even managed unwrap the umbilical cord which had got stuck around the newborn baby's neck. An ambulance then arrived two minutes later to take Sarah and William, who weighed 8lbs 2ozs, to hospital to be checked over.