Trevjeçari që zhytet deri në dhjetë metra thellësi (Foto)

Trevjeçari që zhytet deri në dhjetë metra thellësi (Foto)
Fedor, aged two, freediving on his mum's back. STUNNING video footage what could be the worldís youngest freediver learning his trade without any air supply from the age of TWO. The video and pictures shows the young boy, who has been training since the age of two, hold onto his dadís back as he dives under the surface of the water before he emerges for air twenty seconds later. The incredible footage also shows the kid, called Fedor who is the son of a pro-freediver repeating the trick on his mumís back as she swims underwater and aged three, using a rope to pull himself deep underwater before rising back above the surface when he can no longer hold his breath. The video was taken by professional freediver Alexey Molchanov (29) from Moscow, Russia as he was in Dahab, Blue Hole, Egypt. It shows three-year-old Fedor Afonasiev being taught how to freedive by his parents, who are friends of Alexeyís and instructors in his Freediving Federation education agency.

Fedor Afonasiev nga Rusia, është zhytësi më i ri në botë.

I biri i dy zhytësve profesionistë, mund të futet deri në dhjetë metra thellësi, ndërsa mban frymën për afro një minutë, transmeton Telegrafi.

Derisa moshatarët e tij, apo edhe më të rritur, nuk lejohen të qëndrojnë vetëm në ujë, ai noton i pambikëqyrur,

Në fotografitë e postuara më rrjete sociale, shihet fëmija teksa ruan balancën mbi trupin e nënës që noton nën ujë.

“Ai ka aftësi edhe më të mëdha për zhytje, por duhet të veprohet me hapa të sigurt. Mushkëritë e tij nuk janë sikur të rriturve dhe mund të bllokohen”, ka thënë babai i vogëlushit. /Telegrafi/

Fedor, aged two, freediving on his dad's back. STUNNING video footage what could be the worldís youngest freediver learning his trade without any air supply from the age of TWO. The video and pictures shows the young boy, who has been training since the age of two, hold onto his dadís back as he dives under the surface of the water before he emerges for air twenty seconds later. The incredible footage also shows the kid, called Fedor who is the son of a pro-freediver repeating the trick on his mumís back as she swims underwater and aged three, using a rope to pull himself deep underwater before rising back above the surface when he can no longer hold his breath. The video was taken by professional freediver Alexey Molchanov (29) from Moscow, Russia as he was in Dahab, Blue Hole, Egypt. It shows three-year-old Fedor Afonasiev being taught how to freedive by his parents, who are friends of Alexeyís and instructors in his Freediving Federation education agency.

STUNNING video footage what could be the worldís youngest freediver learning his trade without any air supply from the age of TWO. The video and pictures shows the young boy, who has been training since the age of two, hold onto his dadís back as he dives under the surface of the water before he emerges for air twenty seconds later. The incredible footage also shows the kid, called Fedor who is the son of a pro-freediver repeating the trick on his mumís back as she swims underwater and aged three, using a rope to pull himself deep underwater before rising back above the surface when he can no longer hold his breath. The video was taken by professional freediver Alexey Molchanov (29) from Moscow, Russia as he was in Dahab, Blue Hole, Egypt. It shows three-year-old Fedor Afonasiev being taught how to freedive by his parents, who are friends of Alexeyís and instructors in his Freediving Federation education agency.

Fedor, aged three, using a rope to freedive. STUNNING video footage what could be the worldís youngest freediver learning his trade without any air supply from the age of TWO. The video and pictures shows the young boy, who has been training since the age of two, hold onto his dadís back as he dives under the surface of the water before he emerges for air twenty seconds later. The incredible footage also shows the kid, called Fedor who is the son of a pro-freediver repeating the trick on his mumís back as she swims underwater and aged three, using a rope to pull himself deep underwater before rising back above the surface when he can no longer hold his breath. The video was taken by professional freediver Alexey Molchanov (29) from Moscow, Russia as he was in Dahab, Blue Hole, Egypt. It shows three-year-old Fedor Afonasiev being taught how to freedive by his parents, who are friends of Alexeyís and instructors in his Freediving Federation education agency.

Fedor, aged two, freediving on his mum's back. STUNNING video footage what could be the worldís youngest freediver learning his trade without any air supply from the age of TWO. The video and pictures shows the young boy, who has been training since the age of two, hold onto his dadís back as he dives under the surface of the water before he emerges for air twenty seconds later. The incredible footage also shows the kid, called Fedor who is the son of a pro-freediver repeating the trick on his mumís back as she swims underwater and aged three, using a rope to pull himself deep underwater before rising back above the surface when he can no longer hold his breath. The video was taken by professional freediver Alexey Molchanov (29) from Moscow, Russia as he was in Dahab, Blue Hole, Egypt. It shows three-year-old Fedor Afonasiev being taught how to freedive by his parents, who are friends of Alexeyís and instructors in his Freediving Federation education agency.

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