Qeni i vogël ngatërrohet me kalin gjigant (Foto)

Qeni i vogël ngatërrohet me kalin gjigant (Foto)
Pic by Rob Palmer/Caters News - (Pictured: A wild stallion chases down Maggie, a two-year-old English Setter.) - Think youve had a ruff day? This poor pooch narrowly escaped death after being chased by a wild stallion. It was a close call for Maggie, an English Setter, who was set upon by the angry horse. The two-year-old pet looked petrified as it ran towards the safety of owner and wildlife photographer, Rob Palmer, 63, who impressively captured the heart-stopping moment. Maggie was helping Robs falcon hunt for sage-grouse in the Red Desert,Wyoming, USA when they stumbled across the herd. Thankfully Maggie was unharmed. SEE CATERS COPY.

Fotografi Rob Palmer, ka qenë duke i fotografuar kuajt në një pjesë rurale në Wyoming të Shteteve të Bashkuara, kur qeni tij ka nisur të leh dhe të vrapojë me shpejtësi.

Burri 63-vjeçar ka parë se si Maggie e ngacmonte një kalë të madh, duke iu hidhur në trup dhe duke ia kapur bishtin, transmeton Telegrafi.

Kur durimi i kafshës gjigante ka mbaruar, i është kthyer qenit dhe ka dashur ta kafshojë.

“Nuk kisha çfarë të bëjë edhe sikur të ma sulmonte fëmijën. Ishte një kalë i madh dhe i fuqishëm. Meqë jam fotograf, e tëra që bëra ishte të shkrepja aparatin”, ka thënë Palmer.

Ai ka treguar se pas shumë përpjekjeve, qeni tij është larguar i palënduar. /Telegrafi/

Pic by Rob Palmer/Caters News - (Pictured: Maggie is trampled by the wild stallion.) -Think youve had a ruff day? This poor pooch narrowly escaped death after being chased by a wild stallion. It was a close call for Maggie, an English Setter, who was set upon by the angry horse. The two-year-old pet looked petrified as it ran towards the safety of owner and wildlife photographer, Rob Palmer, 63, who impressively captured the heart-stopping moment. Maggie was helping Robs falcon hunt for sage-grouse in the Red Desert,Wyoming, USA when they stumbled across the herd. Thankfully Maggie was unharmed. SEE CATERS COPY.

Pic by Rob Palmer/Caters News - (Pictured: Maggie is trampled by the wild stallion.) -Think youve had a ruff day? This poor pooch narrowly escaped death after being chased by a wild stallion. It was a close call for Maggie, an English Setter, who was set upon by the angry horse. The two-year-old pet looked petrified as it ran towards the safety of owner and wildlife photographer, Rob Palmer, 63, who impressively captured the heart-stopping moment. Maggie was helping Robs falcon hunt for sage-grouse in the Red Desert,Wyoming, USA when they stumbled across the herd. Thankfully Maggie was unharmed. SEE CATERS COPY.

Pic by Rob Palmer/Caters News - (Pictured: Maggie loses her footing as the stallion closes in.) - Think youve had a ruff day? This poor pooch narrowly escaped death after being chased by a wild stallion. It was a close call for Maggie, an English Setter, who was set upon by the angry horse. The two-year-old pet looked petrified as it ran towards the safety of owner and wildlife photographer, Rob Palmer, 63, who impressively captured the heart-stopping moment. Maggie was helping Robs falcon hunt for sage-grouse in the Red Desert,Wyoming, USA when they stumbled across the herd. Thankfully Maggie was unharmed. SEE CATERS COPY.

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