Mario Dedivanovic: My success, fame and truth – to get here it was not easy but in the end everything was worth it, I am proud to be Albanian
Mario Dedivanovic is one of the most prominent Albanians in the United States. He is known as one of the most famous makeup artists in the world, and the trustee of world-famous superstar Kim Kardashian. Ancestry is from Montenegro, but was born in New York of Albanian parents, whom they learned him to never forget his origin.
A few months ago, Mario was awarded the prize in what will be known as the “American Influencer Awards”. He delivered a thrilling speech in front of the thousands of people and the millions of spectators who were watching from the big screen.
“I stand here for the first time in my life a proud 37-year-old gay man”, it was the speech of the Albanian grimmer who between tears and emotion he accepted the award from his close friend and one of the most influential women in the world, Kim Kardashian.
As one of the most commented characters during 2019, Mario Dedivanovic comes in this exclusive interview with Telegrafi to tell what he has gone through in his life, amidst many successes, hard work and a struggle of prejudice with the stigma that no longer exists to him. He points out that being Albanian is another great pride of his – to point out to the world a small country, but that has a lot to show
Telegrafi: Mario, you are one of the best make up artist in the world. You’ve made a lot of Albanians proud everywhere with your success. Tell us a bit, how do you feel about it?
Mario: Thank you. It feels great to make Albanians proud because I am very proud to be Albanian and I love our culture.
Telegrafi: How hard was for you to get here where you are today?
Mario: It was not easy. I have sacrificed a lot in my life and career to achieve my goals and dreams but everything in life that is worth having is worth working for.
Telegrafi: Months ago you were awarded with “American Influencer Award”.. Tell us, did it make you feel appreciated?
Mario: Yes very much. It meant a lot to me to be recognized by my industry for my artistry and influence.
Telegrafi: Your emotional speech has told us something you’ve hidden inside for a long time. Can you tell us the reactions of people after what you said on that speech?
Mario: I could have never imagined the amount of positive reactions I received from people all over the world thanking me for having the courage to speak about this important issue that so many young people and old suffer from their entire lives. Woman, men, children’s from all walks of life have been reaching out to thank me for helping them and maybe giving them the courage to be honest and free.
Telegrafi: You have the luck and the privilege to work with a lot of show biz stars like Kim Kardashian. Tell us, whats like working with them?
Mario: It’s incredible to work with such powerful and influential women. I learn a great deal from them all and it is an absolute pleasure for me.
Telegrafi: You also had the chance to work with Albanian stars too, like Bebe Rexha. Tell us, how was like working with them?
Mario: It’s so much fun working with Bebe. I love her and she is very talented. We always speak albanian with eachother on set when we don’t want anyone else to know what we are saying LOL.
Telegrafi: You’ve been before in Albania for masterclass. Are you planning to come here again and visit both, Kosovo and Albania?
Mario: I would love to! My masterclass is Albania was one of the most special moments of my career.
Telegrafi: You were born and grow in USA , but you’re origin is from Montenegro, tell us how close you are to your original roots?
Mario: Very close. I have a lot of family in Montenegro and I visit about once a year. I have a special connection to my roots because I feel they are a big part of who I am today and I cannot ever forget that.
Telegrafi: Tell us how a day of Mario starts, continues and ends on daily basis…?
Mario: Work, work and more work!
Telegrafi: Any advice for the readers of this interview?
Mario: Not advise but just a thank you for always supporting me through the years and making me feel loved by my community means the world to me.
Telegrafi: Your favorite life quote?
Mario: One of my favorites is “keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground”
Telegrafi: Mario , thank you very much for this interview. And for the end, what would be your message for Albanians, for the new year 2020?
Mario: I would say to all Albanians and especially young Albanians- you a beautiful and perfect just the way you are and you are worthy of everything good in life. Dream big and be good to one another. /Telegrafi/
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