Macja fle çdo natë mbi varrin e pronarit (Foto)

Macja fle çdo natë mbi varrin e pronarit (Foto)
Undated photo of a cat guarding the grave of her late owner. The site has now been decorated witha blue tile grave and the cat continues to guard the site. See SWNS story SWCAT; This grieving cat misses her late owner so much she has spent a YEAR living at her GRAVE. The heartbroken moggy was first heard crying while lying in the earth at the burial plot in Central Java, Indonesia. Passer-by Keli Keningau Prayitno, 28, tried to adopt the kitty but it returned to the same spot - cuddling the small blue headstone. Remarkably, the cat walks every day to her former home where she is fed by the old lady's children - then returns to the grave.

Kali Kaningau Prayitno nga Java e Indonezisë përpiqej ta adoptonte një mace dhe e ushqente me kujdes, por ajo largohej për çdo natë dhe flinte mbi varrin e pronarit të vdekur.

Burri 28-vjeçar ishte interesuar se ku po zhdukej kafsha e vogël dhe e ka gjetur duke rënkuar sipër dheut, poshtë së cilit ishte kujdestari saj i mëparshëm, transmeton Telegrafi.

Pasi ushqehej dhe pushonte në shtëpinë e re, macja kthehej sërish që të jetë pranë pronarit të mëparshëm.

“E adoptova duke menduar se është e pastrehë dhe luanim së bashku gjatë ditës, por kur vinte nata ajo zhdukej”,, ka rrëfyer Prayitno.

“Shqetësoheshim se ku mund të jetë dhe vendosëm ta zbulojmë. Na vije keq që është zemërthyer dhe i mungon pronari që e kishte”, tha ai.

Pasi është bërë publike ngjarja, shumë njerëz janë interesuar që ta shohin kafshën karakteristike për vendosmërinë që ka. /Telegrafi/

Recent photo of a cat guarding the grave of her late owner. See SWNS story SWCAT; This grieving cat misses her late owner so much she has spent a YEAR living at her GRAVE. The heartbroken moggy was first heard crying while lying in the earth at the burial plot in Central Java, Indonesia. Passer-by Keli Keningau Prayitno, 28, tried to adopt the kitty but it returned to the same spot - cuddling the small blue headstone. Remarkably, the cat walks every day to her former home where she is fed by the old lady's children - then returns to the grave.

Undated photo of a cat guarding the grave of her late owner. The site has now been decorated witha blue tile grave and the cat continues to guard the site. See SWNS story SWCAT; This grieving cat misses her late owner so much she has spent a YEAR living at her GRAVE. The heartbroken moggy was first heard crying while lying in the earth at the burial plot in Central Java, Indonesia. Passer-by Keli Keningau Prayitno, 28, tried to adopt the kitty but it returned to the same spot - cuddling the small blue headstone. Remarkably, the cat walks every day to her former home where she is fed by the old lady's children - then returns to the grave.

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