Burri me dy këmbë më shumë, do t’i nënshtrohet operimit për amputim (Foto, +18)

Burri me dy këmbë më shumë, do t’i nënshtrohet operimit për amputim (Foto, +18)
*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** FARRUKHABAD, INDIA - DECEMBER 09: Arun Kumar Rajput poses for a photograph at his village on December 09, 2015 in Farrukhabad, India. A YOUNG man with FOUR legs appealed to doctors to amputate his two extra limbs. Arun Kumar, 22, was born with two extra legs growing from his lower back - one underdeveloped and the other permanently bent at the knee. After living for 15 years without any kind of treatment, Arun, from Uttar Pradesh, India, appealed through social media for medical help to remove his extra legs. A team of specialists at Fortis Hospital in Delhi responded to Arunís plea for help and organised a series of tests to find out how the legs are attached and if he can be treated. **CONDITION OF USAGE: The following plug must be used in print and/or online: Arun's story appears in Body Bizarre, Thursday November 3, 10pm, on TLCî credit: TLC/ Barcroft Productions** PHOTOGRAPH BY Arkaprava Ghosh / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429

Arun Kumar nga Uttar Pradesh i Indisë, ka lindur me dy këmbë më shumë në pjesën e pasme.

Megjithëse gëzon fizik dhe shëndet të plotë, 22-vjeçari ka edhe dy gjymtyrë më shumë, njëra e pazhvilluar dhe tjetra normale por e kthyer në gju, transmeton Telegrafi.

Gjatë tërë jetës, ai e ka pasur të vështirë lëvizjen normale dhe uljen si duhet. Por, ai ka vendosur që të kërkojë ndihmë, duke shfrytëzuar rrjetet sociale.

Për fat të mirë, një ekip i specializuar mjekësh nga Delhi, e kanë ftuar të kontrollohet dhe të operohet falas.

“Më bënë të gjitha fotografitë dhe u pa që këmbët mund të hiqen me lehtësi, pa e shkaktuar ndonjë dëmtim në trup. Të gjitha janë gati, vetëm pritet që të vendoset data”, ka thënë Kumar.

Zyrtarët mjekësorë nga kryeqyteti indian, i kanë kryer të gjitha përgatitje dhe mbetet vetëm caktimi i kohës, kur ai do të kryej amputimin që pritet të jetë i suksesshëm. /Telegrafi/

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** FARRUKHABAD, INDIA - DECEMBER 9: Arun Kumar Rajput shows his four legs at his house on December 9, 2015 in Farrukhabad, India. A YOUNG man with FOUR legs appealed to doctors to amputate his two extra limbs. Arun Kumar, 22, was born with two extra legs growing from his lower back - one underdeveloped and the other permanently bent at the knee. After living for 15 years without any kind of treatment, Arun, from Uttar Pradesh, India, appealed through social media for medical help to remove his extra legs. A team of specialists at Fortis Hospital in Delhi responded to Arunís plea for help and organised a series of tests to find out how the legs are attached and if he can be treated. **CONDITION OF USAGE: The following plug must be used in print and/or online: Arun's story appears in Body Bizarre, Thursday November 3, 10pm, on TLCî credit: TLC/ Barcroft Productions** PHOTOGRAPH BY Arkaprava Ghosh / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** FARRUKHABAD, INDIA - DECEMBER 09: Arun Kumar Rajput poses for a photograph at his house on December 09, 2015 in Farrukhabad, India. A YOUNG man with FOUR legs appealed to doctors to amputate his two extra limbs. Arun Kumar, 22, was born with two extra legs growing from his lower back - one underdeveloped and the other permanently bent at the knee. After living for 15 years without any kind of treatment, Arun, from Uttar Pradesh, India, appealed through social media for medical help to remove his extra legs. A team of specialists at Fortis Hospital in Delhi responded to Arunís plea for help and organised a series of tests to find out how the legs are attached and if he can be treated. **CONDITION OF USAGE: The following plug must be used in print and/or online: Arun's story appears in Body Bizarre, Thursday November 3, 10pm, on TLCî credit: TLC/ Barcroft Productions** PHOTOGRAPH BY Arkaprava Ghosh / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429

*** EXCLUSIVE - VIDEO AVAILABLE *** FARRUKHABAD, INDIA - DECEMBER 09: Arun Kumar Rajput sits with his father Sri Ram Singh, 55 years (left), mother Kokla Devi , 50 years (right), his sister Aarti (extreme right) and his two brothers Lal Bahadur (back left) and Sudeer Rajput (back right) at his house on December 09, 2015 in Farrukhabad, India. A YOUNG man with FOUR legs appealed to doctors to amputate his two extra limbs. Arun Kumar, 22, was born with two extra legs growing from his lower back - one underdeveloped and the other permanently bent at the knee. After living for 15 years without any kind of treatment, Arun, from Uttar Pradesh, India, appealed through social media for medical help to remove his extra legs. A team of specialists at Fortis Hospital in Delhi responded to Arunís plea for help and organised a series of tests to find out how the legs are attached and if he can be treated. **CONDITION OF USAGE: The following plug must be used in print and/or online: Arun's story appears in Body Bizarre, Thursday November 3, 10pm, on TLCî credit: TLC/ Barcroft Productions** PHOTOGRAPH BY Arkaprava Ghosh / Barcroft Images London-T:+44 207 033 1031 New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429

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