Burg për pensionistin që shiste Viagra të rrejshme (Foto)

Burg për pensionistin që shiste Viagra të rrejshme (Foto)

Peppino Fiori nga Surrey i Anglisë, është burgosur nën akuzën për shitje të palicencuar dhe mashtrim me barna që nxisin aktivitetin seksual.

Në shtëpinë e 66-vjeçarit janë gjetur kuti të zbrazëta të Viagrës, tableta që shtojnë ereksionin, steroide dhe qetësues, transmeton Telegrafi.

Ai kishte importuar mbi 300 mijë euro tableta nga vende të ndryshme të Evropës, duke i shitur më pas me çmime të konsiderueshme.

Duke marrë parasysh se këto medikamente janë shumë të fuqishme dhe duhet të jepen vetëm me recetë të mjekut, ai është dënuar me 12 muaj burg.

Sidoqoftë, nuk është raportuar për ndonjë rast, që këto barna të kenë përkeqësuar shëndetin e ndonjë personi. /Telegrafi/

A drug-dealing pensioner targeted his own age group and made thousands of pounds ñ by selling dangerous fake Viagra. See NATIONAL story NNPILLS. Peppino Fiori, 66, is behind bars after importing and selling a £210,000 haul of unlicensed medicines for treating erectile dysfunction and depression. The fake drug seller aptly flogged 69,000 of dodgy sex pills, steroids and anti-depressants, which were found stacked in hundreds of boxes at his home in Oxsted, Surrey. Guildford Crown Court heard how Fiori's illegal activity posed serious health risks to the public as the medicines were potent and could cause serious side effects. He pleaded guilty to importing medicinal products without a licence from a non European Economic Area (EEA) state, possession of unauthorised medicinal products with intent to supply within an EEA state, selling unauthorised products and possession with intent to supply of a Class C or other drug. The pensioner was warned twice for dodgy deals by the Medicines and Healthcare products regulatory Agency (MHRA), before he was finally busted and had the goods seized.

A drug-dealing pensioner targeted his own age group and made thousands of pounds ñ by selling dangerous fake Viagra. See NATIONAL story NNPILLS. Peppino Fiori, 66, is behind bars after importing and selling a £210,000 haul of unlicensed medicines for treating erectile dysfunction and depression. The fake drug seller aptly flogged 69,000 of dodgy sex pills, steroids and anti-depressants, which were found stacked in hundreds of boxes at his home in Oxsted, Surrey. Guildford Crown Court heard how Fiori's illegal activity posed serious health risks to the public as the medicines were potent and could cause serious side effects. He pleaded guilty to importing medicinal products without a licence from a non European Economic Area (EEA) state, possession of unauthorised medicinal products with intent to supply within an EEA state, selling unauthorised products and possession with intent to supply of a Class C or other drug. The pensioner was warned twice for dodgy deals by the Medicines and Healthcare products regulatory Agency (MHRA), before he was finally busted and had the goods seized.

A drug-dealing pensioner targeted his own age group and made thousands of pounds ñ by selling dangerous fake Viagra. See NATIONAL story NNPILLS. Peppino Fiori, 66, is behind bars after importing and selling a £210,000 haul of unlicensed medicines for treating erectile dysfunction and depression. The fake drug seller aptly flogged 69,000 of dodgy sex pills, steroids and anti-depressants, which were found stacked in hundreds of boxes at his home in Oxsted, Surrey. Guildford Crown Court heard how Fiori's illegal activity posed serious health risks to the public as the medicines were potent and could cause serious side effects. He pleaded guilty to importing medicinal products without a licence from a non European Economic Area (EEA) state, possession of unauthorised medicinal products with intent to supply within an EEA state, selling unauthorised products and possession with intent to supply of a Class C or other drug. The pensioner was warned twice for dodgy deals by the Medicines and Healthcare products regulatory Agency (MHRA), before he was finally busted and had the goods seized.

A drug-dealing pensioner targeted his own age group and made thousands of pounds ñ by selling dangerous fake Viagra. See NATIONAL story NNPILLS. Peppino Fiori, 66, is behind bars after importing and selling a £210,000 haul of unlicensed medicines for treating erectile dysfunction and depression. The fake drug seller aptly flogged 69,000 of dodgy sex pills, steroids and anti-depressants, which were found stacked in hundreds of boxes at his home in Oxsted, Surrey. Guildford Crown Court heard how Fiori's illegal activity posed serious health risks to the public as the medicines were potent and could cause serious side effects. He pleaded guilty to importing medicinal products without a licence from a non European Economic Area (EEA) state, possession of unauthorised medicinal products with intent to supply within an EEA state, selling unauthorised products and possession with intent to supply of a Class C or other drug. The pensioner was warned twice for dodgy deals by the Medicines and Healthcare products regulatory Agency (MHRA), before he was finally busted and had the goods seized.

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