Gratë ndajnë fotografi të trupave të tyre pas lindjes, të gjitha duhet të jenë krenare

Gratë ndajnë fotografi të trupave të tyre pas lindjes, të gjitha duhet të jenë krenare
Foto: EllianaAllon/Instagram

Të gjithë e dinë që trupi i gruas pas lindjes nuk duket më së miri.

Duke filluar nga shtrirjet e lëkurës në bark, trupi i gruas është duke kaluar nëpër shumë ndryshime, ndërsa ajo është shtatzënë. Këto ndryshime mund të ndikojnë shumë në trup edhe pas lindjes.

Sidoqoftë, nuk duhet të përqendrohemi në trupin dhe ndryshimet e tij, por në vetë veprimin e krijimit të një jete të re dhe sjelljen e saj në botë. Ndryshimet që kanë përjetuar dhe dhimbja që kanë kaluar nuk kanë rëndësi për nënat pasi të shohin fëmijën e tyre.

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“My body looks just like yours!” is the WHOLE point of this account. I was sitting in my little corner of the world swearing up and down that I was the only person who looked like me. It’s a lonely feeling. Made even more lonely because I had been convinced that stretch marks and scars and loose skin were disgusting. Not even gonna sugar coat it. This is how extreme we view these things and it’s all a complete distraction and waste of our time and energy. We have a life to live, laughter to share, and love to ignite the passions that drive our purpose. We have endless gifts to share with the world and we can’t even begin to think about it if we’re constantly lost in our alleged brokenness and feelings of shame. This feeling stops us from being able to do more than rock a crop top. It stops us from pursuing opportunities, relationships, and pleasure because that’s how deep these issues run. When you say you’re afraid for your partner to see you, what you’re really saying is “I don’t want to be rejected for having failed to deliver on an expectation that I’ve been told is easily preventable if I cared and worked hard enough. So, if I am rejected it’ll be my fault.” I know. I said those things to myself, too. Thank goodness that I listened to that tiny tiny voice whispering “that’s bullsh*t. you know it and if you don’t believe me, try me.” Here I am yelling now THIS IS BULLSH*T. YOU KNOW IT. IF YOU DON’T BELIEVE ME, TRY ME. Be a whole person thrusting yourself towards the gifts meant for you and then share them with the world that needs them desperately. ?✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ #bemorethanabody #stretchmarks #scars #takebackpostpartum #looseskin #scarrednotscared #mummytummy #effyourbeautystandards #stopcensoringmotherhood #mombod

A post shared by Ana Rojas Bastidas, CLC (@powertoprevail) on Mar 26, 2017 at 8:24am PDT

Nënat në të gjithë botën duhet të admirohen nga të gjithë për përkushtimin dhe sfidat me të cilat përballen për fëmijët. Ato kanë nevojë për kohë për t’u shëruar dhe për t’u kujdesur për foshnjën gjatë 6 javëve të para të lindjes.

Në një formë vetëdijesimi disa gra ndanë fotografi të barkut të tyre pas lindjes, duke treguar se kjo është një gjë normale dhe të gjitha nënat e reja duhet ta duanë trupin ashtu si është.

Disa nga fotografitë e bukura me një mesazh të rëndësishëm pas vetes i gjeni më poshtë:

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Introducing: #HerBodyCan ?? ⠀ The response to my post yesterday was so big and so positive that I was inspired to create a hashtag for us to ALL join in on. ⠀ ⠀ I’m challenging you to post a photo of your body (show as much or as little skin as you want!) with the hashtag: #HerBodyCan – and a list of things your body has carried you through. ⠀ ⠀ Maybe it’s one thing, maybe it’s 10. Maybe it’s surviving an illness, maybe it’s running a marathon. Maybe it’s simply existing and holding a beautiful soul. Whatever it is, it’s amazing and worth celebrating, so let’s do it together. Make sure to tag me so I can share to stories.⠀ ⠀ Here’s mine:⠀ ⠀ #HerBodyCan⠀ ⠀ Survive trauma.⠀ Grow humans.⠀ Hold babies.⠀ Show up as a friend.⠀ Fight for change.⠀ ⠀ What can yours do?

A post shared by Katie Crenshaw (she/her) (@katiemcrenshaw) on Jun 12, 2019 at 7:22am PDT

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When I first fell pregnant my weight plummeted, a condition called hyperemesis meant that I could not keep a single thing down, not even water. By the 8th week of my pregnancy I was 6 stone. By the end of my pregnancy we found out I had developed ANOTHER condition called polyhydramnious (excess fluid) and my weigh skyrocketed to 11 stone. My whole body swelled up like a balloon. With 4 stone weight gain and my belly being stretched to capacity, my excess skin is minimal compared to what it could have been. But It hangs slightly over my csection scar and makes me look lots bigger than I actually am… Sometimes it really gets to me. I’m only human. And that’s ok. The way your body transforms during pregnancy can be a complete shock to the system. But I don’t think many women are prepared for the postpartum transformation. When all we see on social media are mothers that snapped back within days-no marks, scars, loose skin or cellulite, of course new mothers are finding it hard to accept themselves and value their bodies. To all the “imperfect” mothers. You are not damaged goods. You are still beautiful. You are still worthy. You are still relevant. You are still sexy. You are still you, just more. #postpartum #postpartumbody #postpartumbelly #postpartumfitness #postpartumweightloss #motherhood #motherhoodrising #motherhoodunplugged #honestmotherhood #stopcensoringmotherhood #4thtrimester #4thtrimesterbodies #selflove #bodypositive #bodypositivity #attachmentparenting #mumbody #mombod #gentleparenting #looseskin #csection #csectionscar #stretchmarks #mommybelly #fyourbeautystandards #weightloss #fitness #beforeandafterweightloss #beforeandafter

A post shared by Remi (@mamaclog) on Apr 5, 2017 at 4:27am PDT

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I may be a little softer but ultimately I am stronger and these marks just remind me of where I once tightly held and grew Emilia Ren. This body, ME, I may not be the same but if she can find so much comfort and safety in this body, I will as well. || #3weekspostpartum ?

A post shared by Alex (@whenalexsmiles) on Jan 16, 2018 at 4:14pm PST

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Time will push you to your limits, faster than you want it to, aging you in ways that make you ache, slow down, grow tired and weak. Laugh. Walk. Eat. Drink. Dance. Garden. Skip. Make an effort and stop time. Stand beneath a rainshower, let yourself become completely drenched. Nap under a tree, when the rest of the world goes to work. Get on a bicycle and go for a cruise. Drink that wine or milkshake slower than you ever thought you could… savour each drop. Babies will suck your energy up. Children will treat your body like a jungle gym, bruising your skin, and pulling your muscles. Jobs will have you sitting indoors for too long. Partners may take you for granted. Friends will be under the illusion that they are too busy for simpler times spent together. Musical instruments will sit in their cases, forgotten. Hair will go unwashed. First dates will be boring and waste your time. Lovers will rip your heart out and put you through emotional hell and back, leaving you gutted, insecure and distrusting. Labor and birth and early motherhood will be painful, hard and depleting; leaving you with a body you may not know so well, or feel so good about. The path of adulthood is textured and often, uphill. But. ❤ You are incredible. You are soft, and precious. Giving, and nurturing. Beautiful and sensual. ?❤You are worth honouring.❤? ?❤You are worth loving.❤? ?❤Stop for a moment, and love yourself.❤? Repeat x infinity.

A post shared by Elliana Allon (@elliana_allon) on Apr 16, 2018 at 2:52pm PDT

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I used to weigh myself every morning. I would always make sure to go to the bathroom first. There would be a rush of anxiety as the scale blinked while I stared down in anticipation. It was the moment that would depict how I approached my day. Would I be positive and embrace the day happily because the number was a whole .1 lower than yesterday morning? Or would I angrily start brushing my teeth and threaten myself to only eat a salad for today because the number was a whole .1 higher than yesterday? This was how I lived. It was destroying me. And I was completely convinced that this was the only way to be happy. This was the only way I would get to where I was supposed to be in order to become a mother. I repeated to myself that the only way to be happy was to be skinny. So I lost weight. And it never felt like it was enough. I worked out only to lose weight, rather than the way I do now where I focus more on how it makes me feel. But then I had Maci. For the first time, I felt thankful for my body. There was a moment after she was born that I stood in the hospital bathroom just before I took my first postpartum shower. I was only in my robe as I stared into the mirror. I almost remember it in slow motion because I had avoided a mirror for years, even throughout most of my pregnancy. Locking eyes with myself, I tugged the string and the robe separated a few inches. I froze for a few seconds before I let the robe fall down to the ground. And there I was. I saw me for what felt like the very first time, but after another few seconds, I closed my eyes. I turned around and walked towards the shower. This moment was just the beginning of my self-love journey. It doesn’t happen quickly. But it never would have happened had I not tried. ? #this_is_postpartum

A post shared by Meg Boggs (@meg.boggs) on Nov 27, 2018 at 12:40pm PST

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Strong. Brave. Empowered. Beautiful. United. MOTHERS. • There is something really special about uniting together on our Motherhood journeys, supporting and empowering one another despite how different we may be in all of our journeys as Mothers. • Motherhood is one of the most challenging experiences I have ever faced. I’ve struggled in my own journey of highs and lows as a Mother. I’ve walked through postpartum depression and anxiety. I’ve faced feelings of uncertainty and questioned my value and if I really am enough. The truth is, most of us don’t have a clue what we are doing and I think that really is what Motherhood is. At times we are too hard on ourselves focusing too much on what we are lacking, but what about what we are doing great and amazing! • Last summer, my daughter almost drowned. I blamed myself for a long time. Yet, my daughter, helped change my perspective. Anytime she talks about her accident she says with the biggest smile, “Mama, you SAVED me!!” Perspective is everything in parenting. You are valued Mama. You are loved. You are meeting the hearts of your children every single day. Hard days happen, but Mama, you are doing great! • There is something that bonds every single one of us as Mothers, and it is the incredible and overwhelming love we share for our children. We all understand that kind of love. That kind of love unites and empowers us to encourage and love on each other! Keep you doing YOU Mama. • Bra/undies: @kindredbravely #bravemomsunite #BraveMomAd #BeBravely #KindredBravely #Ad • Check out the Kindred Bravely website using my link and use discount code “PERFECT20” to receive 20% for those in the US

A post shared by Desiree Fortin (@theperfectmom) on Apr 30, 2019 at 1:04pm PDT