Rezidenca me kinemanë më të mirë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar, është në shitje për 8,5 milionë funte

Rezidenca me kinemanë më të mirë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar, është në shitje për 8,5 milionë funte

Një rezidencë mahnitëse e stilit të vjetër në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar, me kinema brenda është në shitje për 8,5 milionë funte. (01202 558833) Pic: UniquePropertyCompany/BNPS Calling all movie fans... A Tudor-style manor in a celebrity hotspot with 'the best home cinema in the UK' is on sale for ??8.25m. The grand home has an ultra high-end entertainment complex, including a ??1m Steinway cinema, which was rated the Best Cinema in the UK and is a finalist in the 2020 worldwide Home Theatre of the Year award. After a ??5m refurb Chalfont Manor is the perfect party pad with 12 bedrooms, 11 reception rooms, a swimming pool and a wine cellar. It is on the sought-after Nightingales Lane in the Buckinghamshire village of Chalfont St Giles. The area has been home to celebrities including Ozzy Osbourne, Armando Iannucci and former Oasis frontman, Noel Gallagher, who once lived in the same road as this manor.

Sipas mediave të huaja, përcjell Telegrafi, shtëpia e jashtëzakonshme është e pajisur me mjete argëtimi, përfshirë një kinema Steinway, e cila u vlerësua si “Kinemaja më e Mirë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar”. (01202 558833) Pic: UniquePropertyCompany/BNPS The ulitmate home cinema. Calling all movie fans... A Tudor-style manor in a celebrity hotspot with 'the best home cinema in the UK' is on sale for ??8.25m. The grand home has an ultra high-end entertainment complex, including a ??1m Steinway cinema, which was rated the Best Cinema in the UK and is a finalist in the 2020 worldwide Home Theatre of the Year award. After a ??5m refurb Chalfont Manor is the perfect party pad with 12 bedrooms, 11 reception rooms, a swimming pool and a wine cellar. It is on the sought-after Nightingales Lane in the Buckinghamshire village of Chalfont St Giles. The area has been home to celebrities including Ozzy Osbourne, Armando Iannucci and former Oasis frontman, Noel Gallagher, who once lived in the same road as this manor.

Kompleksi “Chalfonr Manor” u rinovua sërish me një shumë prej 5 milionë funte, dhe aktualisht përfshinë 12 dhoma gjumi, 11 dhoma pritjeje, një pishinë dhe një bodrum vere – vendi i duhur për të kaluar karantinën. (01202 558833) Pic: UniquePropertyCompany/BNPS Pool. Calling all movie fans... A Tudor-style manor in a celebrity hotspot with 'the best home cinema in the UK' is on sale for ??8.25m. The grand home has an ultra high-end entertainment complex, including a ??1m Steinway cinema, which was rated the Best Cinema in the UK and is a finalist in the 2020 worldwide Home Theatre of the Year award. After a ??5m refurb Chalfont Manor is the perfect party pad with 12 bedrooms, 11 reception rooms, a swimming pool and a wine cellar. It is on the sought-after Nightingales Lane in the Buckinghamshire village of Chalfont St Giles. The area has been home to celebrities including Ozzy Osbourne, Armando Iannucci and former Oasis frontman, Noel Gallagher, who once lived in the same road as this manor.

Rezidenca gjendet në fshatin Buckinghamshire të Chalfont Saint Giles të Anglisë./Telegrafi/ (01202 558833) Pic: UniquePropertyCompany/BNPS Calling all movie fans... A Tudor-style manor in a celebrity hotspot with 'the best home cinema in the UK' is on sale for ??8.25m. The grand home has an ultra high-end entertainment complex, including a ??1m Steinway cinema, which was rated the Best Cinema in the UK and is a finalist in the 2020 worldwide Home Theatre of the Year award. After a ??5m refurb Chalfont Manor is the perfect party pad with 12 bedrooms, 11 reception rooms, a swimming pool and a wine cellar. It is on the sought-after Nightingales Lane in the Buckinghamshire village of Chalfont St Giles. The area has been home to celebrities including Ozzy Osbourne, Armando Iannucci and former Oasis frontman, Noel Gallagher, who once lived in the same road as this manor. (01202 558833) Pic: UniquePropertyCompany/BNPS Terrace. Calling all movie fans... A Tudor-style manor in a celebrity hotspot with 'the best home cinema in the UK' is on sale for ??8.25m. The grand home has an ultra high-end entertainment complex, including a ??1m Steinway cinema, which was rated the Best Cinema in the UK and is a finalist in the 2020 worldwide Home Theatre of the Year award. After a ??5m refurb Chalfont Manor is the perfect party pad with 12 bedrooms, 11 reception rooms, a swimming pool and a wine cellar. It is on the sought-after Nightingales Lane in the Buckinghamshire village of Chalfont St Giles. The area has been home to celebrities including Ozzy Osbourne, Armando Iannucci and former Oasis frontman, Noel Gallagher, who once lived in the same road as this manor. (01202 558833) Pic: UniquePropertyCompany/BNPS Calling all movie fans... A Tudor-style manor in a celebrity hotspot with 'the best home cinema in the UK' is on sale for ??8.25m. The grand home has an ultra high-end entertainment complex, including a ??1m Steinway cinema, which was rated the Best Cinema in the UK and is a finalist in the 2020 worldwide Home Theatre of the Year award. After a ??5m refurb Chalfont Manor is the perfect party pad with 12 bedrooms, 11 reception rooms, a swimming pool and a wine cellar. It is on the sought-after Nightingales Lane in the Buckinghamshire village of Chalfont St Giles. The area has been home to celebrities including Ozzy Osbourne, Armando Iannucci and former Oasis frontman, Noel Gallagher, who once lived in the same road as this manor. (01202 558833) Pic: UniquePropertyCompany/BNPS Cozy corner. Calling all movie fans... A Tudor-style manor in a celebrity hotspot with 'the best home cinema in the UK' is on sale for ??8.25m. The grand home has an ultra high-end entertainment complex, including a ??1m Steinway cinema, which was rated the Best Cinema in the UK and is a finalist in the 2020 worldwide Home Theatre of the Year award. After a ??5m refurb Chalfont Manor is the perfect party pad with 12 bedrooms, 11 reception rooms, a swimming pool and a wine cellar. It is on the sought-after Nightingales Lane in the Buckinghamshire village of Chalfont St Giles. The area has been home to celebrities including Ozzy Osbourne, Armando Iannucci and former Oasis frontman, Noel Gallagher, who once lived in the same road as this manor.

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