Zogu përpiu pincat e gjata sa trupi tij (Foto)

Zogu përpiu pincat e gjata sa trupi tij (Foto)
PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: The Jackdaw) - A young bird that swallowed a pair of TWEEZERS was saved after quick-thinking vets plucked them from him stomach. The greedy jackdaw wolfed down the metal tongs which x-rays revealed had stretched the full length of his body. Vets were concerned that the internal damage caused to the young bird would be too great but following a delicate hour-long procedure the jackdaw from Swadlincote, Derbyshire, is now on the mend. Wildlife vet Dr Bev Panto from RSPCA Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre said: When I saw the x-rays and the size of the tweezers he had swallowed, I thought there was absolutely no chance this poor jackdaw could survive. SEE CATERS COPY.

Një zog i vogël që ngjan më së shumti me sorrën, ia ka dalë të përpijë një palë pinca që janë të gjata sa trupi tij.

Shpendi i njohur si shumë kureshtar, është zbuluar se ka një palë kapëse metalike, pasi veterinerët e kanë fotografuar me anë të rrezeve X, transmeton Telegrafi.

Nuk dihet se si e ka përpirë zogu i zi këtë pajisje metalike, që ka maja shumë të mprehta dhe se si nuk është lënduar.

Mjekët nuk kanë dhënë shanse shpëtimi, meqë operimi ka qenë shumë i gjatë dhe i mundimshëm.

Por, zogu i vogël ia ka dalë të shërohet dhe t’i kthehet gjendjes normale. /Telegrafi/

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: An X-ray of the tweezers inside the Jackdaw) - A young bird that swallowed a pair of TWEEZERS was saved after quick-thinking vets plucked them from him stomach. The greedy jackdaw wolfed down the metal tongs which x-rays revealed had stretched the full length of his body. Vets were concerned that the internal damage caused to the young bird would be too great but following a delicate hour-long procedure the jackdaw from Swadlincote, Derbyshire, is now on the mend. Wildlife vet Dr Bev Panto from RSPCA Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre said: When I saw the x-rays and the size of the tweezers he had swallowed, I thought there was absolutely no chance this poor jackdaw could survive. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: An X-ray of the tweezers inside the Jackdaw) - A young bird that swallowed a pair of TWEEZERS was saved after quick-thinking vets plucked them from him stomach. The greedy jackdaw wolfed down the metal tongs which x-rays revealed had stretched the full length of his body. Vets were concerned that the internal damage caused to the young bird would be too great but following a delicate hour-long procedure the jackdaw from Swadlincote, Derbyshire, is now on the mend. Wildlife vet Dr Bev Panto from RSPCA Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre said: When I saw the x-rays and the size of the tweezers he had swallowed, I thought there was absolutely no chance this poor jackdaw could survive. SEE CATERS COPY.

Në trend Fun

Më shumë
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