Zjarrfikësit dhe kalimtari i rastit, shpëtojnë qenin që po mbytej në lumë (Foto)

Zjarrfikësit dhe kalimtari i rastit, shpëtojnë qenin që po mbytej në lumë (Foto)
This is the amazing moment a firecrew formed a human chain to rescue a puppy that became stranded after jumping into a lake at Highfields Park, Nottingham. See News Team NTIDOG; Incredible photos show a fireman working with a passerby to dangle another firefighter over the two metre (6.5ft) wall to reach stricken husky Prince. The two men then hoist the rescuer back up, who is clutching the drenched pooch by his collar at Highfields Park, Nottingham, at 9.30am yesterday (Sun). The five-month-old mutt was stranded for 20 minutes in the waters before Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue came to its aid. Dog walker and retired photographer Terry Draper, 67, of Chilwell, Nottingham captured the dramatic rescue on his camera.

Në Nottingham të Anglisë, janë fotografuar zjarrfikësit dhe një burrë, që kanë bashkuar forcat për të shpëtuar kafshën e ngecur në ujë.

Njëri nga ndihmësit me uniformë, është zgjatur drejtë lumit, teksa kolegu tij dhe një njeri tjetër, e mbanin për këmbësh.

Pasi e ka kapur qenin ngjyrë gri, ai e ka nxjerrë sipër me ndihmën e dy të tjerëve.

“Nuk lodhem kurrë duke parë njerëzit që ndihmojnë kafshët, kjo është një gjë që duhet vlerësuar”, është komentuar gjesti i bamirës këtyre personave. /Telegrafi/

This is the amazing moment a firecrew formed a human chain to rescue a puppy that became stranded after jumping into a lake at Highfields Park, Nottingham. See News Team NTIDOG; Incredible photos show a fireman working with a passerby to dangle another firefighter over the two metre (6.5ft) wall to reach stricken husky Prince. The two men then hoist the rescuer back up, who is clutching the drenched pooch by his collar at Highfields Park, Nottingham, at 9.30am yesterday (Sun). The five-month-old mutt was stranded for 20 minutes in the waters before Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue came to its aid. Dog walker and retired photographer Terry Draper, 67, of Chilwell, Nottingham captured the dramatic rescue on his camera.

This is the amazing moment a firecrew formed a human chain to rescue a puppy that became stranded after jumping into a lake at Highfields Park, Nottingham. See News Team NTIDOG; Incredible photos show a fireman working with a passerby to dangle another firefighter over the two metre (6.5ft) wall to reach stricken husky Prince. The two men then hoist the rescuer back up, who is clutching the drenched pooch by his collar at Highfields Park, Nottingham, at 9.30am yesterday (Sun). The five-month-old mutt was stranded for 20 minutes in the waters before Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue came to its aid. Dog walker and retired photographer Terry Draper, 67, of Chilwell, Nottingham captured the dramatic rescue on his camera.

This is the amazing moment a firecrew formed a human chain to rescue a puppy that became stranded after jumping into a lake at Highfields Park, Nottingham. See News Team NTIDOG; Incredible photos show a fireman working with a passerby to dangle another firefighter over the two metre (6.5ft) wall to reach stricken husky Prince. The two men then hoist the rescuer back up, who is clutching the drenched pooch by his collar at Highfields Park, Nottingham, at 9.30am yesterday (Sun). The five-month-old mutt was stranded for 20 minutes in the waters before Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue came to its aid. Dog walker and retired photographer Terry Draper, 67, of Chilwell, Nottingham captured the dramatic rescue on his camera.

This is the amazing moment a firecrew formed a human chain to rescue a puppy that became stranded after jumping into a lake at Highfields Park, Nottingham. See News Team NTIDOG; Incredible photos show a fireman working with a passerby to dangle another firefighter over the two metre (6.5ft) wall to reach stricken husky Prince. The two men then hoist the rescuer back up, who is clutching the drenched pooch by his collar at Highfields Park, Nottingham, at 9.30am yesterday (Sun). The five-month-old mutt was stranded for 20 minutes in the waters before Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue came to its aid. Dog walker and retired photographer Terry Draper, 67, of Chilwell, Nottingham captured the dramatic rescue on his camera.

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