Trafikanti që “zbuloi” metodën perverse të fshehjes së kokainës! (Foto)

Trafikanti që “zbuloi” metodën perverse të fshehjes së kokainës! (Foto)

Në Madrid të Spanjës, është ndaluar një njeri që e kishte pjesën e përparme të pantallonave tepër të fryrë.

Burri i paemëruar kishte futur në 400 gramë kokainë, duke pretenduar se është organi tij gjenital.

Policia e ka arrestuar 43-vjeçarin, i cili e kishte sjell këtë sasi të ndaluar nga Amerika Jugore, transmeton Telegrafi.

Përfitimet e mëdha nga shitja e këtyre substancave, ka bërë që trafikantët të gjejnë metoda të ndryshme të transportimit. Pak javë më parë është ndaluar një udhëtar nga Portugalia, që ishte duke bartur drogë në protezën e këmbës. Kurse gjatë vitit të kaluar, janë ndaluar dy ‘turistë’ që kishin futur kokainë nën parukë. /Telegrafi/

Pic shows: Hidden drugs in underwear.nnDubious Spanish airport police decided to body search on a man who had a suspiciously large bulge between his legs.nnThe 43-year-old man had just got off the plane from Costa Rica to the Madrid Barajas International Airport in the Spanish capital.nnPolice say they pulled him over in customs and checked his hand luggage, but found nothing. It was then that the officers attention was diverted to the abnormally large trouser bulge and decided to see what he was hiding underneath.nnTheir search revealed nearly half a kilo of cocaine wrapped in a plastic container and strapped to his genitals.nnThe official police page later tweeted an image with a humorous caption about the "suspicious package between his legs".nnThe images shows the rather large white tube poking out one side of a pair of black underpants, showing another floral pair of boxers underneath.nnLast night the not so ingenious drug smuggler appeared before a judge and was told he could face a prison sentence of up to three years if found guilty.nnMadrid airport police have to be constantly on the ball to catch traffickers who will use any way of getting drugs into the country.nnThey once arrested a 92-year-old woman in a wheelchair with four kilos of cocaine strapped to her body and hidden by layers of clothes.nnIn January 2014 airport police also found a pair of Portuguese travellers with 1.2 kilos of the class A drug hidden under their wigs.nnWeeks earlier a man was caught with a stash of cocaine hidden inside his artificial leg when he got off a flight from Panama.nn(ends)n
Pic shows: Hidden drugs in underwear.nnDubious Spanish airport police decided to body search on a man who had a suspiciously large bulge between his legs.nnThe 43-year-old man had just got off the plane from Costa Rica to the Madrid Barajas International Airport in the Spanish capital.nnPolice say they pulled him over in customs and checked his hand luggage, but found nothing. It was then that the officers attention was diverted to the abnormally large trouser bulge and decided to see what he was hiding underneath.nnTheir search revealed nearly half a kilo of cocaine wrapped in a plastic container and strapped to his genitals.nnThe official police page later tweeted an image with a humorous caption about the “suspicious package between his legs”.nnThe images shows the rather large white tube poking out one side of a pair of black underpants, showing another floral pair of boxers underneath.nnLast night the not so ingenious drug smuggler appeared before a judge and was told he could face a prison sentence of up to three years if found guilty.nnMadrid airport police have to be constantly on the ball to catch traffickers who will use any way of getting drugs into the country.nnThey once arrested a 92-year-old woman in a wheelchair with four kilos of cocaine strapped to her body and hidden by layers of clothes.nnIn January 2014 airport police also found a pair of Portuguese travellers with 1.2 kilos of the class A drug hidden under their wigs.nnWeeks earlier a man was caught with a stash of cocaine hidden inside his artificial leg when he got off a flight from Panama.nn(ends)n

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