Shtëpia ku Fritzl e përdhunoi të bijën për 24 vjet, është blerë nga pronari i një klubi nate (Foto)

Shtëpia ku Fritzl e përdhunoi të bijën për 24 vjet, është blerë nga pronari i një klubi nate (Foto)
ST. POELTEN, AUSTRIA - MARCH 19: (EDITORIAL USE ONLY) In this handout picture Josef Fritzl is seen during day four of his trial at the country court of St. Poelten on March 19, 2009 in St. Poelten, Austria. The 73-year-old Austrian is on trial for murder, rape and incest after allegedly imprisoning his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathering seven children with her. On Thursday afternoon he is found guilty on all charges and sentenced to life in a secure psychiatric facility. (Photo Handout by APA via Getty Images)

Joseph Fritzl nga Austria, ishte bërë lajm në tërë botën më 2008, pasi u zbulua se e kishte mbajtur të mbyllur të bijën e tij për 24 vjet, duke e përdhunuar gjatë tërë kohës.

Gjatë marrëdhënieve të dhunshme që kishte Elisabeth me të atin, ajo lindi katër fëmijë, njëri prej të cilëve vdiq shkaku i komplikimeve me frymëmarrje, pasi nuk dërgohej në spital, transmeton Telegrafi.

Kjo shtëpi që ndodhet në perëndim të Vjenës, në përdhesen e së cilës janë kryer incestet makabre, është blerë nga pronari i një klubi të natës për 160 mijë euro.

Pronari i ri planifikon ta rinovojë shtëpinë, ndërsa në të do të banojnë punonjësit e klubit, që janë kryesisht kameriere dhe valltare.

Mirëpo, organizatat për mbrojtjen e të drejtave të njeriut, kanë kërkuar që banesa ku Elizabeth dhe fëmijët e saj pesë, 18 dhe 19-vjeç janë mbajtur të mbyllur, të rrënohet dhe të mos ekzistojë më.

Ndryshe, Fritzl është i dënuar me burg të përjetshëm, për incest, përdhunim, mbyllje të paligjshme si dhe vrasjen e një fëmijë, duke mos e dërguar në spital. /Telegrafi/

AMSTETTEN, AUSTRIA - MARCH 15: Journalists stand in front of the house, where Josef Fritzl imprisoned his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathered seven children with her, on March 15, 2009 in Amstetten, Austria.The 73-year-old Austrian goes on trial on March 16. (Photo by Miguel Villagran/Getty Images)

AMSTETTEN, AUSTRIA - MARCH 15: General backside view of the house, where Josef Fritzl imprisoned his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathered seven children with her, is pictured on March 15, 2009 in Amstetten, Austria.The 73-year-old Austrian goes on trial on March 16. (Photo by Miguel Villagran/Getty Images)

AMSTETTEN, AUSTRIA - UNDATED: In this undated Police handout image provided by Security Administration of Lower Austria a hidden bedroom at the house and hiding place, where a father imprisoned his daughter for 24 years and had seven children with her, is seen in Amstetten, Austria. According to police Josef Fritzl kept his daughter Elizabeth, now 42, imprisoned in his basement and sexually abused her. Three of the children, now aged 5, 18 and 19, had never seen the light of day until the eldest was recently taken to hospital because of a severe illness. (Photo by SID Lower Austria via Getty Images)

AMSTETTEN, AUSTRIA - UNDATED: In this undated Police handout image provided by Security Administration of Lower Austria a hidden bathroom at the house and hiding place, where a father imprisoned his daughter for 24 years and had seven children with her, is seen in Amstetten, Austria. According to police Josef Fritzl kept his daughter Elizabeth, now 42, imprisoned in his basement and sexually abused her. Three of the children, now aged 5, 18 and 19, had never seen the light of day until the eldest was recently taken to hospital because of a severe illness. (Photo by SID Lower Austria via Getty Images)

AMSTETTEN, AUSTRIA - UNDATED: In this undated Police handout image provided by Security Administration of Lower Austria a hidden room at the house and hiding place, where a father imprisoned his daughter for 24 years and had seven children with her, is seen in Amstetten, Austria. According to police Josef Fritzl kept his daughter Elizabeth, now 42, imprisoned in his basement and sexually abused her. Three of the children, now aged 5, 18 and 19, had never seen the light of day until the eldest was recently taken to hospital because of a severe illness. (Photo by SID Lower Austria via Getty Images)

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