Shpëtohet zogu që ngeci për 12 orë, në pjesën e përparme të makinës (Foto)

Shpëtohet zogu që ngeci për 12 orë, në pjesën e përparme të makinës (Foto)
The buzzard was found stuck in the front of a van by staff at Swindon Car and Van. A bird of prey was hit by a van and survived for 12 HOURS with its head embedded in the front grill. See SWNS story SWBUZZARD; The large buzzard was discovered by garage workers after the driver of the rented Ford transit failed to spot it wedged in the bodywork. After ruffling its feathers they quickly realised the bird was alive - and took the grill apart to release it. The buzzard suffered a broken wing and dislocated leg but after being taken to a nearby vets is now set to make a full recovery. Stuart Andrews, rental manager of of Swindon Car and Van in Swindon, Wilts., believes the bird was stuck for more than 12 hours after hitting the van near Cardiff.

Në një furgon të vogël që ka lëvizur nëpër Angli, është gjetur një zog që kishte ngecur në pjesën e përparme.

Koka e shpendit me madhësia relativisht të madhe, u bllokua në Ford Transit, i cili ishte marrë me qira nga një kompani në Swindon.

Pasi makina i është kthyer pronarit, është gjetur se përpara ndodhet edhe një shpend, e cila nuk lëvizte, transmeton Telegrafi.

Pasi është thyer rrjeta dhe është nxjerrë zogu, është dërguar me shpejtësi te veterineri, me shpresa të vogla se do të shpëtojë.

Pasi i është kapur këmba dhe krahu, shpendi që tani quhet Ceri, po qëndron në një qendër për kafshë të egra.

Nuk dihet si ka mbetur Ceri në atë vend, por besohet se ka kaluar kohë shumë të keqe, pasi ka qëndruar për 12 orë në pamundësi të largohet. /Telegrafi/

The buzzard after it was found stuck in the front of a van by staff at Swindon Car and Van with some pins in its wing. A bird of prey was hit by a van and survived for 12 HOURS with its head embedded in the front grill. See SWNS story SWBUZZARD; The large buzzard was discovered by garage workers after the driver of the rented Ford transit failed to spot it wedged in the bodywork. After ruffling its feathers they quickly realised the bird was alive - and took the grill apart to release it. The buzzard suffered a broken wing and dislocated leg but after being taken to a nearby vets is now set to make a full recovery. Stuart Andrews, rental manager of of Swindon Car and Van in Swindon, Wilts., believes the bird was stuck for more than 12 hours after hitting the van near Cardiff.
The buzzard after it was found stuck in the front of a van by staff at Swindon Car and Van with some pins in its wing. A bird of prey was hit by a van and survived for 12 HOURS with its head embedded in the front grill. See SWNS story SWBUZZARD; The large buzzard was discovered by garage workers after the driver of the rented Ford transit failed to spot it wedged in the bodywork. After ruffling its feathers they quickly realised the bird was alive – and took the grill apart to release it. The buzzard suffered a broken wing and dislocated leg but after being taken to a nearby vets is now set to make a full recovery. Stuart Andrews, rental manager of of Swindon Car and Van in Swindon, Wilts., believes the bird was stuck for more than 12 hours after hitting the van near Cardiff.
The buzzard after it was found stuck in the front of a van by staff at Swindon Car and Van. A bird of prey was hit by a van and survived for 12 HOURS with its head embedded in the front grill. See SWNS story SWBUZZARD; The large buzzard was discovered by garage workers after the driver of the rented Ford transit failed to spot it wedged in the bodywork. After ruffling its feathers they quickly realised the bird was alive - and took the grill apart to release it. The buzzard suffered a broken wing and dislocated leg but after being taken to a nearby vets is now set to make a full recovery. Stuart Andrews, rental manager of of Swindon Car and Van in Swindon, Wilts., believes the bird was stuck for more than 12 hours after hitting the van near Cardiff.
The buzzard after it was found stuck in the front of a van by staff at Swindon Car and Van. A bird of prey was hit by a van and survived for 12 HOURS with its head embedded in the front grill. See SWNS story SWBUZZARD; The large buzzard was discovered by garage workers after the driver of the rented Ford transit failed to spot it wedged in the bodywork. After ruffling its feathers they quickly realised the bird was alive – and took the grill apart to release it. The buzzard suffered a broken wing and dislocated leg but after being taken to a nearby vets is now set to make a full recovery. Stuart Andrews, rental manager of of Swindon Car and Van in Swindon, Wilts., believes the bird was stuck for more than 12 hours after hitting the van near Cardiff.

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