Policia zbulon shitësin e drogës, që lavdërohej për luks në rrjetet sociale (Foto)

Policia zbulon shitësin e drogës, që lavdërohej për luks në rrjetet sociale (Foto)

Levi Watson ndalohet nën dyshimin se është i përfshirë në një rreth të shitjes së drogës. Ai thotë se bën jetë të qetë në West Midlands të Britanisë së Madhe. Por, nuk kaloi shumë kohë dhe 29-vjeçari bie në pranga, pasi llogaria tij në Instagram zbuloi të vërtetën.

Mijëra ndjekësve të tij, ai ua kishte dëshmuar jetën luksoze që bën, përfshirë ‘larjen me para’, udhëtimet me jahte dhe helikopterë, transmeton Telegrafi.

Kanë mjaftuar imazhet ku shihen paratë, super-veturat, tshampanjat e shtrenjtë dhe armët, që Policia të ngre dyshime ndaj tij,.

Pas një intervistimi të detajuar, Watson e ka treguar rolin që ka në grupin kriminal që shet dhe kontrollon trafikun e drogës, si dhe përfitimet e deritanishme.

Ndaj tij është ngritur akuza për shitje të substancave të ndaluara, fshehje dhe posedim të materialit të përfituar jashtëligjshëm, ndërsa pritet që së shpejti të dalë para drejtësisë. /Telegrafi/

Policia zbulon shitësin e drogës qe lavderohej me luks ne rrjete sociale foto 2

Policia zbulon shitësin e drogës qe lavderohej me luks ne rrjete sociale foto 3

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Levi Watson and a friend.) - A brazen drug dealer was jailed for seven years -after being snared by Instagram pics showing his Champagne lifestyle. Levi Watson posted a range of boasting snaps on the social media site - featuring Lamborghinis, Rolex watches, baths full of cash and a Premier League footballer. Watson, 29, from Wolverhampton, was jailed for his role in a drugs ring supplying cocaine and heroin, as part of a huge drugs bust by West Midlands Police. Dealers in the ring got sentenced to more than 130 years behind bars between them. In snaps and videos posted on his Instagram page, which has more than 4,500 followers, Watson regularly boasted about his lavish lifestyle abroad - despite telling cops he had no steady income and lived in Wolverhampton. SEE CATERS COPY.

Policia zbulon shitësin e drogës qe lavderohej me luks ne rrjete sociale foto 5

Policia zbulon shitësin e drogës qe lavderohej me luks ne rrjete sociale foto 6

Policia zbulon shitësin e drogës qe lavderohej me luks ne rrjete sociale foto 7

Policia zbulon shitësin e drogës qe lavderohej me luks ne rrjete sociale foto 8

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Levi Watson by the pool. ) - A brazen drug dealer was jailed for seven years -after being snared by Instagram pics showing his Champagne lifestyle. Levi Watson posted a range of boasting snaps on the social media site - featuring Lamborghinis, Rolex watches, baths full of cash and a Premier League footballer. Watson, 29, from Wolverhampton, was jailed for his role in a drugs ring supplying cocaine and heroin, as part of a huge drugs bust by West Midlands Police. Dealers in the ring got sentenced to more than 130 years behind bars between them. In snaps and videos posted on his Instagram page, which has more than 4,500 followers, Watson regularly boasted about his lavish lifestyle abroad - despite telling cops he had no steady income and lived in Wolverhampton. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Levi Watson sits on a staircase. ) - A brazen drug dealer was jailed for seven years -after being snared by Instagram pics showing his Champagne lifestyle. Levi Watson posted a range of boasting snaps on the social media site - featuring Lamborghinis, Rolex watches, baths full of cash and a Premier League footballer. Watson, 29, from Wolverhampton, was jailed for his role in a drugs ring supplying cocaine and heroin, as part of a huge drugs bust by West Midlands Police. Dealers in the ring got sentenced to more than 130 years behind bars between them. In snaps and videos posted on his Instagram page, which has more than 4,500 followers, Watson regularly boasted about his lavish lifestyle abroad - despite telling cops he had no steady income and lived in Wolverhampton. SEE CATERS COPY.

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