Kërkon t’i bëhet ADN-ja mishit të gërditshëm që i doli në supë (Foto)

Kërkon t’i bëhet ADN-ja mishit të gërditshëm që i doli në supë (Foto)

Gruaja e njohur vetëm si Akousa, nga Gana e Afrikës, e ka blerë një pjatë me supë në një lokal ushqimor, por ka mbetur e tmerruar me atë që ka gjetur brenda.

Pasi e ka pirë afro gjysmën e masës, asaj i ka dalë një copë mishi që ka formën e ngjashme me organin gjenital të meshkujve, transmeton Telegrafi.

Nga frika se vërtetë mund të jetë një gjë e tillë, ajo po kërkon t’i bëhet ADN-ja, që të vërtetohet nëse i përket njeriut apo kafshës.

“Ka pamje të ngjashme me atë të organit riprodhues,. Nuk e di çfarë mund të jetë tjetër. Jam e frikësuar për shëndetin tim, megjithëse ende nuk kam ndonjë problem”, ka thënë Akousa për rastin.

Pronarët e lokalit ku është shitur supa tradicionale afrikane, kanë hedhur poshtë pretendimet se mund të jetë diçka e tillë. Në anën tjetër, zyrtarët policorë e kanë refuzuar dërgimin në laborator, duke thënë se kjo nuk është kompetencë e tyre. /Telegrafi/

Pic shows: The served meat with the appearance of a male genital organ.nnAstonishing images of what looks like a human penis served up at a fast food bar have become a social media mystery.nnThe manhood-like dish had been unwittingly bought from a traditional chop house in Accra, Ghana by a customer named only as Akosua in local media.nnBut it was only when she got it home and started eating the dish - a local delicacy called Tuo Zafi ¿ that she realised she had bitten off more than she could chew.nnAkousa told local media: "I had gone to get some food from the food joint because I was hungry and my preferred choice was Tuo zafi which I bought and took home to eat."nnBut she did not spot the penis-shaped meat until she had gobbled down about 70 percent of the dish, she said.nnInitial tests at a laboratory proved inconclusive, explained Akosua, who was then urged to hand the meat to police for a full forensic examination.nnShe said: "My sister opted to show it to a lab technician friend later, who said because the meat was cooked, an ordinary lab test wouldn¿t be able to prove it to be animal or human."nnAkousa added: "He advised a forensic test be done on it and the meat lies in our fridge."nn(ends)

Pic shows: The served meat with the appearance of a male genital organ.nnAstonishing images of what looks like a human penis served up at a fast food bar have become a social media mystery.nnThe manhood-like dish had been unwittingly bought from a traditional chop house in Accra, Ghana by a customer named only as Akosua in local media.nnBut it was only when she got it home and started eating the dish - a local delicacy called Tuo Zafi ¿ that she realised she had bitten off more than she could chew.nnAkousa told local media: "I had gone to get some food from the food joint because I was hungry and my preferred choice was Tuo zafi which I bought and took home to eat."nnBut she did not spot the penis-shaped meat until she had gobbled down about 70 percent of the dish, she said.nnInitial tests at a laboratory proved inconclusive, explained Akosua, who was then urged to hand the meat to police for a full forensic examination.nnShe said: "My sister opted to show it to a lab technician friend later, who said because the meat was cooked, an ordinary lab test wouldn¿t be able to prove it to be animal or human."nnAkousa added: "He advised a forensic test be done on it and the meat lies in our fridge."nn(ends)

Pic shows: The served meat with the appearance of a male genital organ.nnAstonishing images of what looks like a human penis served up at a fast food bar have become a social media mystery.nnThe manhood-like dish had been unwittingly bought from a traditional chop house in Accra, Ghana by a customer named only as Akosua in local media.nnBut it was only when she got it home and started eating the dish - a local delicacy called Tuo Zafi ¿ that she realised she had bitten off more than she could chew.nnAkousa told local media: "I had gone to get some food from the food joint because I was hungry and my preferred choice was Tuo zafi which I bought and took home to eat."nnBut she did not spot the penis-shaped meat until she had gobbled down about 70 percent of the dish, she said.nnInitial tests at a laboratory proved inconclusive, explained Akosua, who was then urged to hand the meat to police for a full forensic examination.nnShe said: "My sister opted to show it to a lab technician friend later, who said because the meat was cooked, an ordinary lab test wouldn¿t be able to prove it to be animal or human."nnAkousa added: "He advised a forensic test be done on it and the meat lies in our fridge."nn(ends)

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