Jahti luksoz brenda të cilit nuk mungon asgjë (Foto)

Jahti luksoz brenda të cilit nuk mungon asgjë (Foto)
A jaw-dropping modern superyacht has been based on early dugout canoes. Netherlands-based Oceanco say the Tuhura is a 115m (377ft) vessel with a design that "harkens back to ancient times". The company explain: "The exterior styling is reminiscent of early canoes; dugouts and other vessels used hundreds of years ago by indigenous people all over the world. The Polynesians, in particular, famously made long voyage explorations across thousands of miles of open Pacific Ocean in their outrigger canoes. The thinking behind revisiting basic primal forms is to evoke a sense of exploration and discovery. In fact, the actual name, ëTuhuraí is derived from the Maori verb meaning: to discover, bring to light, unearth, open up, explore, and investigate." The project was conceived in collaboration with the Lobanov Design studio, BMT Nigel Gee and interior designer Achille Salvagni. "Tuhura is designed for someone who has a true pioneering spirit and who desires to break the moulds of convention," say Oceanco. ìOur Tuhura is a simple idea,î explains Igor Lobanov, ìThe thought was to take a natural shape similar to those seen in the earliest canoe-type craft and augment it multifold to a larger scale, using modern technology.î The main inspiration for the interior design is East Asia and the Pacific islands. Achille Salvagni refers to the interior as a ìbrushed teak habitatî (floors, walls, ceilings) including thin reveals in gunmetal and natural bronze with tatami floors. ìTuhura is a megayacht conceived for a dynamic owner, nevertheless the timeless sense of peace and calmness are the main characteristics,î says Salvagni. ìThis softness and dynamicity are reflected in the humble elegance and sensuality of the primitive organic shapes echoed throughout.î The exterior design works well with the interior and is described as "inherently flexible" so that the yacht can be designed in any size from 80-120 metres in length. Innovation and cutting-edge technology is evident throughout the design. The hull has been conceived with multiple horizontal windows, utilising an advanced glass technology that consists of a series of dots, allowing the view from within to be completely transparent, while from the exterior, the windows appear the same colour as the hull, disguising their appearance. Glass features further in the impressive black superstructure made up of flat glass panels. Progressive and creative thinking extends to all the systems aboard. LuxLab, the custom design label from Van Berge Henegouwen (VBH) has joined the team to ensure that this is an extremely ìsmart boat.î Not only are there controls for HVAC, lighting, audio, video, curtains and such, but controls will also monitor behavior aboard regarding preferences such as music and temperature. Furthermore, there are plans to create a 360 room, a multipurpose space for both interactive design and information. ìThis is a technically challenging and intriguing project,î says Dirk de Jong, Commercial Director at Oceanco. ìIt is 180-degrees different from our previous two yacht collaborations with Lobanov Design studio, the 86m launched in 2013 and the 110m Jubilee launched just last year. Yet Tuhura is still 100 percent Oceanco DNA.î Tuhuraís hull and propulsion system have been developed in collaboration with BMT. The pure simplicity of the canoe form leads to a naturally efficient hull with low overall resistance, good seakeeping and excellent maneuverability. However integrating a modern propulsion system in the canoe form presents a challenge and the team opted for a hybrid AzipodÆ CRP (contra-rotating) propulsion system from ABB. The development of this system was initially trialed in 2003 and it is currently being applied with success on commercial vessels. James Roy, Yacht Design Director at BMT, stated, ìThe hybrid CRP system is inherently efficient and perfectly suited to the canoe form, there is a synergy between the efficiency of the hull form, and that of the propulsion system, leading to a yacht which marries an evolutionary simple hull with an evolutionary advanced propulsion systemî Technical Specifications Length 115m / 377ft Draft 3.9m / 9.8ft Speed 18 knots Propulsion System Hybrid Contra Rotating Propeller System (with ABB) Exterior Designer Lobanov Design Interior Designer Achille Salvagni Naval Architecture BMT When: 23 Apr 2018 Credit: Oceanco/Cover Images **All usages and enquiries, please contact - +44 (0)20 3397 3000Editorial use only**

Tuhura është një mega-jaht i kohës moderne që inxhinierët janë inspiruar nga dizajni i kanos së lashtë, që është përdorur shumë në Havai, Tonga dhe Samoa.

Dizajneri i enterierit Achille Salvagni është munduar të bëjë një gërshetim mes tradicionales dhe modernes, transmeton Telegrafi.

Edhe pse në shikim të parë duket si një anije futuristike nga filmat fanta-shkencë, brenda saj ka elemente të anijeve të lashta që janë punuar nga druri i njohur si tatami.

Mega-jahti Tuhura është 115 metra i gjatë që sapo lundron nëpër ujë i bënë të gjithë ta kthejnë kokën. Brenda saj nuk mungon pothuajse asgjë, kurse sa i përket luksit konsiderohet si një hotel me pesë yje.

Ajo është e pajisur me kuzhinë, dhoma të gjumit luksoze si dhe kamin për një ambient romantik gjatë natës, ndërsa dhoma kryesore është e rrethuar nga dritaret që ofrojnë panoramë prej 360 shkallëve. /Telegrafi/

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