Christopher Hill, the US ambassador to Serbia, stated that it is still too early to judge the success of the conference on February 27 in Brussels while discussing the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia for the normalization of relations.
As said by “Beta”, after the recent meeting between the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti, and the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, Hill noted that a new round of negotiations should be expected, Telegrafi reports.
“I think that we are going towards the right path, but we should wait and see because no one has reached a consensus yet,” Hill added.
“I do not want to discuss specifics or deadlines, but I do think that it is important that the problems are solved, that the Association of municipalities with a Serbian majority is now being formed after ten years, and that many see this as a litmus test for whether the international community is genuinely interested in resolving this issue. I can say that this is the case. We need to be patient about it,” he stated.
Hill added that Serbia will have to decide whether to sanction Russia because, in his opinion, it is currently paying a significant price for not doing so. /Telegrafi/
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