Formimi dhe ngritja e ‘kullave njerëzore’ (Foto)

Formimi dhe ngritja e ‘kullave njerëzore’ (Foto)
Members of the "Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls" human tower team form a "castell" (human tower) during the XXVI human towers, or 'castells', competetion in Tarragona on October 2, 2016. These human towers, built traditionally in festivals within Catalonia, gather several teams that attempt to build and dismantle a human tower structure. / AFP PHOTO / LLUIS GENELLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images

Është zhvilluar në Spanjë festivali i përvitshëm, ku mblidhen shumë persona për të krijuar të ashtuquajturat ‘kulla me njerëz’.

Pjesëmarrësit bashkojnë forcat, që të ndërtojnë strukturën më të fortë, të lartë dhe komplekse në mënyrë që të fitojnë garën, transmeton Telegrafi.

Fitues shpallet grupi që ka më së shumti kate dhe që nuk i është shembur ‘kulla’ asnjëherë.

Në këtë traditë katalonase, që daton që nga shekulli 19-të, ndërtimi më i lartë ka arritur dhjetë kate.

Më poshtë janë disa nga fotografitë që janë bërë në Tarragona, gjatë edicionit të 26-të të kësaj gare. /Telegrafi/

Castellers de Vilafranca start to form a human tower called "castell" during a biannual competition in Tarragona city, Spain, October 2, 2016. REUTERS/Albert Gea

Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls form a human tower called "castell" during a biannual competition in Tarragona city, Spain, October 2, 2016. REUTERS/Albert Gea

Castellers de Vilafranca form a human tower called "castell" during a biannual competition in Tarragona city, Spain, October 2, 2016. REUTERS/Albert Gea

Members of the "Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls" human tower team form a "castell" (human tower) during the XXVI human towers, or 'castells', competetion in Tarragona on October 2, 2016. These human towers, built traditionally in festivals within Catalonia, gather several teams that attempt to build and dismantle a human tower structure. / AFP PHOTO / LLUIS GENELLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images

Castellers de Vilafranca celebrate after forming a human tower called "castell" during a biannual competition in Tarragona city, Spain, October 2, 2016. REUTERS/Albert Gea

Castellers de Vilafranca form a human tower called "castell" during a biannual competition in Tarragona city, Spain, October 2, 2016. REUTERS/Albert Gea

Members of the "Colla Vella dels Xiquets de Valls" human tower team form a "castell" (human tower) during the XXVI human towers, or 'castells', competetion in Tarragona on October 2, 2016. These human towers, built traditionally in festivals within Catalonia, gather several teams that attempt to build and dismantle a human tower structure. / AFP PHOTO / LLUIS GENELLUIS GENE/AFP/Getty Images

Members of the "Castellers de Villafranca" react after completing their human tower during the 26th Human Tower Competition in Tarragona, Spain, on Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016. The tradition of building human towers, or Castells, dates back to the 18th century and takes place during festivals in Catalonia, where colles, or teams, compete to build the tallest and most complicated towers. The structure of the castells varies depending on their complexity. A castell is considered completely successful when it is loaded and unloaded without falling apart. The highest castell in history was a 10 floor structure with 3 people in each floor. In 2010 castells were declared by UNESCO one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Capgrossos de Matato form a human tower called "castell" during a biannual competition in Tarragona city, Spain, October 2, 2016. REUTERS/Albert Gea

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