“Dreqi’ shfaqet te copa e mishit! (Foto)

“Dreqi’ shfaqet te copa e mishit!  (Foto)
Pic shows: The devil shape stake.nnThis is the devil steak, a piece of meat with the figure of the devil etched into the fat of the meat.nnThe photo of the steak in question has gone viral since being uploaded by a user in the state of Baja California Sur, north-west Mexico.nnThe phenomenon was discovered by a butcher when he was cutting off the piece of meat. When he sliced it of and put it on the table, he could not believe the image he saw formed by the bone, flesh and fat.nnSome users have also compared the eerie figure to the Prince of Darkness, the villain in the 1987 US horror movie.nnThe shocked butcher assures he did not carry out any type of satanic ritual to call the devil to his shop.nnSome social media users have used the images to make humorous holy week themed memes:nnOne user posted the photo with the words: "Keep eating meat in holy week atheists."nnAnother wrote: "That awkward moment when a devil appears on your steak."nn(ends)n     

Në Meksikë të Shteteve të Bashkuara, blerësi i një cope mishi ka mbetur me sy hapur, me pamjen që i është shfaqur në ushqim.

Siç mund të shihni në fotografi, ‘dreqi’ shihet në tërë formën trupore, madje edhe me brirë dhe një shikim të rreptë.

Madje, ky mish brinje është komentuar se i përket lopës së “pushtuar nga djalli”, transmeton Telegrafi.

“Ky është një mesazh se të gjithë duhet të bëhemi vegjetarian dhe të mos hamë më kafshë”, është një mesazh lidhur me këtë rast.

Por, jo të gjithë mendojnë se kjo është një shenj nga djalli, duke e quajtur vetëm si rastësi. /Telegrafi/

Pic shows: The devil shape stake.nnThis is the devil steak, a piece of meat with the figure of the devil etched into the fat of the meat.nnThe photo of the steak in question has gone viral since being uploaded by a user in the state of Baja California Sur, north-west Mexico.nnThe phenomenon was discovered by a butcher when he was cutting off the piece of meat. When he sliced it of and put it on the table, he could not believe the image he saw formed by the bone, flesh and fat.nnSome users have also compared the eerie figure to the Prince of Darkness, the villain in the 1987 US horror movie.nnThe shocked butcher assures he did not carry out any type of satanic ritual to call the devil to his shop.nnSome social media users have used the images to make humorous holy week themed memes:nnOne user posted the photo with the words: "Keep eating meat in holy week atheists."nnAnother wrote: "That awkward moment when a devil appears on your steak."nn(ends)n     

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