Dënimi i çuditshëm për studentët që vonohen për ligjërata (Foto)

Dënimi i çuditshëm për studentët që vonohen për ligjërata (Foto)
Pic shows: He is copying expressions. Chinese students who arrive late for class are being asked to copy out 1,000 different emojis on a piece of A4 paper after a university instructor came up with the bizarre and ingenious new punishment. Pictures of the reportedly "effective" detention activity show the young students struggling to draw the odd faces and expressions required of them. Copying out Chinese characters hundreds or even thousands of times has long since been used by teachers in China as punishment for misbehaving students. But one instructor in Chengdu, capital of south-west Chinaís Sichuan Province, has taken it to the next level. Instead of asking her late-arriving students to write the same words over and over again, University of Electronic Science and Technology instructor Gu Huanmeiís method has promised to work the studentsí brains to the core. Each student sent to detention for lateness is given a "handbook" which includes 1,000 different facial emotions ñ emojis ñ in caricature form. The students must copy each emoji exactly as it appears in the handbook ñ and they are not allowed to make mistakes. This, according to Gu, is to prevent students from slacking during detention, forcing them to concentrate with every stroke of their pen or pencil while they carry out the punishment. One student named Wang Wei, who was dealt the punishment of 1,000 emojis, was quoted as saying the method was "effective" and "impressive". (ends)

Në Sichuan të Kinës, profesori ka gjetur një mënyrë unike që të ndëshkojë studentët që shkojnë vonë për të ndjekur ligjëratat.

Gu Huanmeis po i detyron studentët, që të mbushin një letër të bardhë të formatit A4, me shifrat e 1,000 emojive.

Sikur në kohëra të lashta, kur nxënësit janë detyruar të shkruajnë kolona me të njëjtën fjali nëse kanë bërë ndonjë faj, edhe tani po ndëshkohen në të njëjtën mënyrë, transmeton Telegrafi.

Por, ligjëruesi i Universitetit të Shkencës, Elektrikes dhe Teknologjisë, po pretendon se kjo nuk është vetëm një ‘shkrim mekanik’.

“Përshkrimi i këtyre shifrave, e zgjon trurin dhe i bënë ata më të aftë për nxënien e mësimeve të reja”, ka thënë Huanmeis, lidhur me këtë ndëshkim.

Në anën tjetër, studentët e dënuar nuk kanë bërë ndonjë protestë dhe i kanë përshkruar deri në fund të gjitha shifrat me të cilat krijohen figura të ndryshme kompjuterike. /Telegrafi/

Pic shows:  He is copying expressions.nnChinese students who arrive late for class are being asked to copy out 1,000 different emojis on a piece of A4 paper after a university instructor came up with the bizarre and ingenious new punishment.nnPictures of the reportedly "effective" detention activity show the young students struggling to draw the odd faces and expressions required of them.nnCopying out Chinese characters hundreds or even thousands of times has long since been used by teachers in China as punishment for misbehaving students.nnBut one instructor in Chengdu, capital of south-west China¿s Sichuan Province, has taken it to the next level.nnInstead of asking her late-arriving students to write the same words over and over again, University of Electronic Science and Technology instructor Gu Huanmei¿s method has promised to work the students¿ brains to the core.nnEach student sent to detention for lateness is given a "handbook" which includes 1,000 different facial emotions ¿ emojis ¿ in caricature form.nnThe students must copy each emoji exactly as it appears in the handbook ¿ and they are not allowed to make mistakes.nnThis, according to Gu, is to prevent students from slacking during detention, forcing them to concentrate with every stroke of their pen or pencil while they carry out the punishment.nnOne student named Wang Wei, who was dealt the punishment of 1,000 emojis, was quoted as saying the method was "effective" and "impressive".nn(ends)n

Pic shows:  He is copying expressions.nnChinese students who arrive late for class are being asked to copy out 1,000 different emojis on a piece of A4 paper after a university instructor came up with the bizarre and ingenious new punishment.nnPictures of the reportedly "effective" detention activity show the young students struggling to draw the odd faces and expressions required of them.nnCopying out Chinese characters hundreds or even thousands of times has long since been used by teachers in China as punishment for misbehaving students.nnBut one instructor in Chengdu, capital of south-west China¿s Sichuan Province, has taken it to the next level.nnInstead of asking her late-arriving students to write the same words over and over again, University of Electronic Science and Technology instructor Gu Huanmei¿s method has promised to work the students¿ brains to the core.nnEach student sent to detention for lateness is given a "handbook" which includes 1,000 different facial emotions ¿ emojis ¿ in caricature form.nnThe students must copy each emoji exactly as it appears in the handbook ¿ and they are not allowed to make mistakes.nnThis, according to Gu, is to prevent students from slacking during detention, forcing them to concentrate with every stroke of their pen or pencil while they carry out the punishment.nnOne student named Wang Wei, who was dealt the punishment of 1,000 emojis, was quoted as saying the method was "effective" and "impressive".nn(ends)n

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