Babai shqelmon dhunshëm të birin e vogël, që s’mund të ecte nëpër rrugët e ngrira (Video, +18)

Babai shqelmon dhunshëm të birin e vogël, që s’mund të ecte nëpër rrugët e ngrira (Video, +18)
Pics shows: The father kicking the child; A cruel dad was arrested after a witness filmed him viciously kicking his toddler son for being unable to stand on a snowy pavement. The dad was filmed booting the tot across the pavement in the capital of Kyrgyzstan Bishkek. The witness’s video, taken through a window, shows the lad in bulky winter clothes doing his best to stand up, having presumably fallen over. He manages to get to his knees but then topples backwards and appears to give up, lying motionless in the snow. It is at this point that the dad draws back his foot and delivers a vicious kick to the toddler’s hip. The impact sends the boy’s little body scooting across the snow, after which the dad drags him roughly to his feet and continues their journey. Oddly, the dad changes direction after a few steps and, with the boy dragged beside him, heads back the way he came. Some witnesses said the toddler had been having a tantrum just before the video began. Local media reported that the 50-year-old dad, whose named was not released, was arrested after the video was shared online and he was somehow identified from it. The police investigation is reported to be ongoing.

Babai i paemëruar nga Bishkeku i Kirgizisë, e ka shkelmuar të birin në bel, veç pse nuk mund të ecte nëpër hapësirën e ngrirë dhe ishte shtrirë në borë.

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Dëshmitarët kanë thënë se fëmija qante dhe bënte gjeste të ndryshme, para se babai ta qëllonte në këtë formë të dhunshme.

Ende nuk dihen lëndimet që i janë shkaktuar vogëlushit, ndërsa organizatat për mbrojtjen e fëmijëve kërkuan ndihmë për viktimën dhe dënim për të atin. /Telegrafi/