Aksident ndërmjet tetë veturave në Londër, i përfshirë edhe një Ferrari i 600 mijë dollarëve (Foto/Video)

Aksident ndërmjet tetë veturave në Londër, i përfshirë edhe një Ferrari i 600 mijë dollarëve (Foto/Video)
Croydon,Surrey Monday 6th November 2017 A 450,000 supercar was ruined in a crash on Gravel Hill that left four people in hospital this evening (Monday, November 6). Police, paramedics and firefighters were called to the collision which involved eight vehicles at 6.55pm. The road in Addington was closed southbound while the incident was dealt with. A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: "Eight cars were involved in a collision this evening on Gravel Hill. "Four people were taken to hospital and, thankfully, no injuries are being described as life-changing or life-threatening." A London Ambulance Service (LAS) spokeswoman added: “We were called at 6.55pm today to reports of a road traffic collision on Gravel Hill. “We have treated a total of eight patients for injuries including neck and back pain and four of these patients are being taken to hospital.” One local resident, who wanted to remain anonymous, said she could see nine police cars and two ambulances at the scene when she passed on a tram. Samantha Nott, a swimming teacher who lives in Shirley and works at Royal Russell School, frequently drives on Gravel Hill to get to and from work. The mother-of-two said she fears new road markings on Gravel Hill may have contributed to the accident. She said: "It doesn’t worry me much going down Gravel Hill because I’ve done it so many times, but you do have to be careful because people make some last-minute decisions with the lanes there. "It might be partly because they’ve changed the lane layout around that roundabout at the bottom of the hill. "Changing that section of road layout has made it confusing, especially for people who don’t know the road well.” A spokeswoman for the London Fire Brigade has confirmed that three fire engines were sent to the crash. She said: "We were called to this incident shortly before 7pm and crews from Addington and Croydon fire stations attended. "No persons were trapped in any of the cars involved." She added t

Katër persona u dërguan në spital pas përplasjes ndërmjet tetë veturave, ku i përfshirë ishte edhe një Ferrari me vlerë prej 600 mijë dollarëve.

Sipas mediave britanike, shërbimet e emergjencës u thirrën në vendin e ngjarjes pak para orës 19:00 në Londër, pas aksidentit.

Për fat të mirë, asnjë nga të përfshirët në aksident nuk pësoi ndonjë lëndim, me rrezik për jetën.

Një dëshmitare tha se pa nëntë makina policore dhe dy ambulanca në vendin e ngjarjes kur ajo kaloi në një tramvaj. /Telegrafi/