The club from Podujeva, Llapi has reacted with an official statement after numerous articles on Thursday evening, where it was accused of rigging matches during 2022.
The French media, Le Figaro and Le Parisien, reported on Thursday on a cheating scandal in Kosovar football or more precisely in the Kosovo Super League.
According to Le Figaro, at least four matches of the Kosovo Superliga have been rigged for betting, which has led to the arrest of nine people in France after a year-long investigation, where more than 300,000 euros are suspected to have been won.
After this medium, it was the well-known French newspaper “Le Parisien”, which has given new details about the club and the arrests made in France, where the Llapi club is at the center of the scandal.
According to this newspaper, the group of about 10 people between the ages of 22 and 50 are involved in the match-fixing scandal from the Llap club from Podujeva.
Le Parisien added that the club leaders, members of the technical staff and several players are involved in this scandal.
However, it didn’t take long and during the first hours of Friday it was the Llapi club that reacted by means of an official statement, denying any claims of the French media.
“F.C. Llapi informs you that there is not a single piece of information confirmed by investigative bodies about these claims as published by various portals and newspapers”.
“We as a club do not have the slightest concern about these baseless and tendentious claims and we invite the fans not to worry because there is nothing true in this regard”, said the official page of Llapi.
Llapi’s post without intervention
Press release
Although late, we are reaching out to you with this press release.
The presidency of F.C. Llapi has carefully analyzed the latest articles on various portals and newspapers in which the name of our club has been mentioned, allegedly for match-fixing.
F.C. Llapi informs you that there is not a single piece of information confirmed by the investigation bodies about these claims as published by various portals and newspapers.
We as a club have not the slightest concern about these baseless and tendentious claims and we invite the fans not to worry because there is nothing true in this regard.
We are 100% focused only on the match with Pristina and there is no force that stops us from achieving our objectives.
With respect
The presidency of KF Llapi
The president of the club
Beqir Batatina
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