Prekëse: Nga sëmundja e rrallë, gjyshja u ‘tret’ në madhësinë e një fëmije (Foto)

Prekëse: Nga sëmundja e rrallë, gjyshja u ‘tret’ në madhësinë e një fëmije (Foto)
PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Shanti Devi, 60) - An Indian grandmother has shrunk to the height of a toddler after being affected by a bizarre medical condition. Shanti Devi, 60, looks like a small baby. She spends her days cuddled up and lying on a cot, mumbling or singing alone. Her limbs have shrunken and twisted and have become so rigid that any movement is impossible for her. She cannot open her hands and spread her legs or even tilt her head and entirely relies on her children for assistance. She has been like this for more than two decades. SEE CATERS COPY.

Shanti Devi nga Kanpur i Indisë, është prekur nga një sëmundje e rrallë, që ia ka tkurrur trupin dhe e ka zvogëluar në masë të madhe.

Gruaja që ka qenë e gjatë 1.6 metra, pasi e ka lindur fëmijën e tretë ka filluar të ndjehet e pafuqishme dhe eshtrat t’i dobësohen, transmeton Telegrafi.

Për më se dy dekada ajo vuan nga dhimbjet, derisa trupi ka rënë në vetëm 60 centimetra.

“Nuk mund të ulem si duhet apo të shkoj ku të dua pa ndihmën e dikujt. Më mungojnë shumë miqtë dhe kam dëshirë të dal për të ujitur pemët”, ka thënë 60-vjeçarja.

Familjarët e saj e kanë dërguar te disa mjekë, por askush nuk ka mundur ta diagnostifikojë sëmundjen e saj misterioze, që e ka lënë të palëvizshme. /Telegrafi/

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Shanti Devi, 60 surrounded by her family and friends) - An Indian grandmother has shrunk to the height of a toddler after being affected by a bizarre medical condition. Shanti Devi, 60, looks like a small baby. She spends her days cuddled up and lying on a cot, mumbling or singing alone. Her limbs have shrunken and twisted and have become so rigid that any movement is impossible for her. She cannot open her hands and spread her legs or even tilt her head and entirely relies on her children for assistance. She has been like this for more than two decades. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Shanti Devi, 60) - An Indian grandmother has shrunk to the height of a toddler after being affected by a bizarre medical condition. Shanti Devi, 60, looks like a small baby. She spends her days cuddled up and lying on a cot, mumbling or singing alone. Her limbs have shrunken and twisted and have become so rigid that any movement is impossible for her. She cannot open her hands and spread her legs or even tilt her head and entirely relies on her children for assistance. She has been like this for more than two decades. SEE CATERS COPY.