Measures to reduce food prices gave no results, because they are unsystematic and premature, says professor Daniella Bojaxhieva. According to her, it cannot be expected that with a gentleman’s agreement, the state and the businesses will agree, that the business will get free electricity and then lower the prices of the products. A law had to be passed so that we wouldn’t end up in this situation.
“That’s not how the market mechanism works. It was necessary to analyze the impact on the increase in prices caused by the increase of energy prices. There is no such analysis until today. We need to look at what other factors have a significant influence on the correction of prices”, said Daniella Bojaxhieva, university professor.
As for the extent of the margin adjustment, experts believe that this does not prevent price increases. Also, they think that the institutions should perform their duties in a better way to see why the prices are not reduced. Was it necessary for all prices to increase so much in our country? Without doing a detailed analysis, I mean some of the prices went up like this out of inertia. The fact that we have spent 30 years trying to build commercial economies to live in an economic system that has less of a market than there was in the system until the 90s. It is unfortunate, but at that time we seem to have had a market and a culture for commercial behavior comparing from what we have now”, added Daniella Bojaxhieva, university professor. North Macedonia is the country that holds the record in the region about the inflation level. The high prices not only of food, but of all products and services have been the main problem of citizens since last year. Despite announcements that price shocks will slowly decrease this year, this is not happening for now./Alsat/
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