Kjo femër sikur të ishte nga një planet tjetër: Tërë bota ia ka lakmi për dukjen dhe për moshën që e ka

Kjo femër sikur të ishte nga një planet tjetër: Tërë bota ia ka lakmi për dukjen dhe për moshën që e ka

Është plotësisht e pabesueshme. Ajo i ka 50 vjet, quhet Ye dhe e ka trupin sikur të jetë e re si 25 vjeçe. E vërtetë është!

Je, nga Xinyang City i Kinës Qendrore duket aq mirë sa që askush nuk do t’ia jepte më shumë se 30 vjeç, ndërsa femrat dhe meshkujt në tërë botën janë të zhgënjyer me dukjen e tyre.

Natyrisht, ajo me vetëmohim i përkushtohet trupit të vet, rregullisht shkon në palestër, por edhe ushqehet shëndetshëm, transmeton Telegrafi.

Dhe, nëse keni menduar që mund të duket kështu, sepse kurrë nuk ka lindur fëmijë, e keni gabim. Ajo është nënë…

Nga mosha tridhjetëvjeçare rregullisht shkon në palestër, andaj nuk është për t’u habitur përse duket kështu.

Shikoni fotot në xhirimin në vijim të tekstit:

Pic shows: Current photos of Ye. An incredibly fit woman from China has been gaining fans across the country after pictures of her model-like physique and age defying looks started appearing online. Netizens are now finding it hard to believe that the woman who does not look a day over 30 is in fact a 50-year-old mum. She has won the admiration and respect of her fans, most of whom are young men and women, who call her "Mrs Ye". Ye, from Xinyang City in Central China’s Henan Province, has an adult son who is already working, and she has been going to gym for 20 years since she was in her 30s. With a dedication to exercise like hers, it is little wonder she has managed to maintain a physique so perfect that it is even making people half her age jealous. Stunning photos of Ye by the seaside also show her love for the great outdoors, but she says her body is the result of an average of two hours of exercise every day. Ye said she swims every day and goes to gym at least two to three times a week. When she is not at the gym, she also works out at home. Although an average of two hours of exercise a day seems like a lot, Ye said the health benefits are worth the effort. Earlier this year in March she swam across the Strait of Malacca - located between the Indonesian island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula - and her next goal is to cross the Han River in South Korea come September. She said her dream is to have a body like a Victoria’s Secret model - some of her fans argue that she already does - and she wants to keep wearing bikinis until she is 80 years old. (ends)

Pic shows: Current photos of Ye. An incredibly fit woman from China has been gaining fans across the country after pictures of her model-like physique and age defying looks started appearing online. Netizens are now finding it hard to believe that the woman who does not look a day over 30 is in fact a 50-year-old mum. She has won the admiration and respect of her fans, most of whom are young men and women, who call her "Mrs Ye". Ye, from Xinyang City in Central China’s Henan Province, has an adult son who is already working, and she has been going to gym for 20 years since she was in her 30s. With a dedication to exercise like hers, it is little wonder she has managed to maintain a physique so perfect that it is even making people half her age jealous. Stunning photos of Ye by the seaside also show her love for the great outdoors, but she says her body is the result of an average of two hours of exercise every day. Ye said she swims every day and goes to gym at least two to three times a week. When she is not at the gym, she also works out at home. Although an average of two hours of exercise a day seems like a lot, Ye said the health benefits are worth the effort. Earlier this year in March she swam across the Strait of Malacca - located between the Indonesian island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula - and her next goal is to cross the Han River in South Korea come September. She said her dream is to have a body like a Victoria’s Secret model - some of her fans argue that she already does - and she wants to keep wearing bikinis until she is 80 years old. (ends)

Pic shows: Current photos of Ye. An incredibly fit woman from China has been gaining fans across the country after pictures of her model-like physique and age defying looks started appearing online. Netizens are now finding it hard to believe that the woman who does not look a day over 30 is in fact a 50-year-old mum. She has won the admiration and respect of her fans, most of whom are young men and women, who call her "Mrs Ye". Ye, from Xinyang City in Central China’s Henan Province, has an adult son who is already working, and she has been going to gym for 20 years since she was in her 30s. With a dedication to exercise like hers, it is little wonder she has managed to maintain a physique so perfect that it is even making people half her age jealous. Stunning photos of Ye by the seaside also show her love for the great outdoors, but she says her body is the result of an average of two hours of exercise every day. Ye said she swims every day and goes to gym at least two to three times a week. When she is not at the gym, she also works out at home. Although an average of two hours of exercise a day seems like a lot, Ye said the health benefits are worth the effort. Earlier this year in March she swam across the Strait of Malacca - located between the Indonesian island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula - and her next goal is to cross the Han River in South Korea come September. She said her dream is to have a body like a Victoria’s Secret model - some of her fans argue that she already does - and she wants to keep wearing bikinis until she is 80 years old. (ends)

Pic shows: Current photos of Ye. An incredibly fit woman from China has been gaining fans across the country after pictures of her model-like physique and age defying looks started appearing online. Netizens are now finding it hard to believe that the woman who does not look a day over 30 is in fact a 50-year-old mum. She has won the admiration and respect of her fans, most of whom are young men and women, who call her "Mrs Ye". Ye, from Xinyang City in Central China’s Henan Province, has an adult son who is already working, and she has been going to gym for 20 years since she was in her 30s. With a dedication to exercise like hers, it is little wonder she has managed to maintain a physique so perfect that it is even making people half her age jealous. Stunning photos of Ye by the seaside also show her love for the great outdoors, but she says her body is the result of an average of two hours of exercise every day. Ye said she swims every day and goes to gym at least two to three times a week. When she is not at the gym, she also works out at home. Although an average of two hours of exercise a day seems like a lot, Ye said the health benefits are worth the effort. Earlier this year in March she swam across the Strait of Malacca - located between the Indonesian island of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula - and her next goal is to cross the Han River in South Korea come September. She said her dream is to have a body like a Victoria’s Secret model - some of her fans argue that she already does - and she wants to keep wearing bikinis until she is 80 years old. (ends)

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