Kalin e zi e lyejnë me sprei të bardhë që të duket si zebër (Foto)

Kalin e zi e lyejnë me sprei të bardhë që të duket si zebër (Foto)

Në një fermë të fshatit Stary Hrozenkov të Çekisë, ka hyrë dikush fshehtas dhe e ka lyer kalin e zi me ngjyrë të bardhë, që të duket si zebër.

Madje, edhe ia ka shkurtuar bishtin në masë të madhe, që t’i ngjajë krijesës që ka lëkurë me vija, transmeton Telegrafi.


Pic shows: painted horse in the stall;nnPolice are looking for the cruel joker who entered the stall of a horse, snipped its tail, and spray-painted the black beast with white stripes so that it now resembles a zebra.nnThe owner of the horse is a 51-year-old man that did not wish to be named from the village of Stary Hrozenkov in south-eastern Czech Republic.nnHe kept his horse in a stall next to his house.nnThe practical joker apparently arrived at the stall through the garden and succeeded in braking inside it by damaging its lock.nnHe then spray-painted the black seven-year-old stallion all over with white stripes so that in now looks like a zebra. To make the offence worse, the perpetrator also snipped the horse¿s tail.nnIt seems that the stealthy joker managed to do all this without alerting anyone to his shenanigans or startling too much the horse itself.nnBy the time the owner realised what had happened it was already too late. He alerted authorities to the act of cruelty.nnCzech police are now on the hunt for the perpetrator.nnPolice spokesperson Milena Sabatova said: "This event is very unpleasant for the owner but also for the horse. To remove the paint will be tedious and annoying for both. It will also take a while for the tail to grow back to its original length."nnThe perpetrator may be sentenced to up to three years in prison if found guilty.

Policia është vënë në kërkim të personit apo grupit, që e ka kryer këtë veprim të pazakontë, duke i shkaktuar mundime kafshës.

Për të hequr ngjyrën e spreit nga trupi duhet të fërkohet me brushën e posaçme, kurse për t’ju rritur bishti nevojitet kohë e gjatë.

Po që se shpallet fajtor, ai mund të dënohet deri tre vjet burg për mizori mbi kafshë. /Telegrafi/