Appstellar cloud software and DevOps services company from Prishtina, is now a part of well-known international organizations in the technology field, Amazon Web Services, CNCF, and Linux Foundation.
The company shared the news on its website through two press releases. At the same time, the news about the membership as a silver partner from CNCF was shared last week by the CNCF organization itself and was announced at the international conference of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon held in Valencia, Spain.
Appstellar is the first company in the Western Balkans to be certified by the CNCF as a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider. In terms of the Amazon Partner Network, Appstellar stands as the first company established and headquartered in Kosovo which becomes a partner of this large network of technology companies along with large enterprises such as Deloitte, IBM, and Samsung SDS among others.
In one of the statements, CTO and Co-Founder, Mehmetali Shaqiri emphasized that “only with determination, ambition, and great teamwork, has it been possible for Kosovo to have its rightful place in these organizations”.
Appstellar was founded by Rozafë Llalloshi and Mehmetali Shaqiri and focuses on solving business problems by using the latest technologies in areas such as Cloud Software Development and DevOps. After 2 years of operation, they have grown to 25 employees and counting. Llalloshi and Shaqiri stated that, along with their growth team, they are constantly looking for new talent to join the team as the demand for their services is only growing.
“We founded Appstellar in 2020 and are very proud to have achieved these certifications and partnerships in such a short time. Even more so, we are proud to be representing Kosovo in the global technology industry.
Around half of our current team are currently certified through KCSP and AWS, but we empower our entire team here at Appstellar to do so as well. This way, they can grow their personal careers and we can continue to be a reliable partner of AWS, CNCF, and LF and to serve our customers.” declared Llalloshi.
Although in the first years of operation, Appstellar has had an exponential growth very quickly. In addition to creating new jobs, through these certifications Appstellar is representing Kosovo in the international market.
“Appstellar is currently in hyper-growth mode. In the past 6 months, we’ve grown our team by 122%! Moreover, we’ve signed multiple new client deals, expanded in new industries of operation (like fintech and healthtech), and also moved to new office spaces.” concludes the press release.
For more info on Appstellar, visit their website appstellar.io!
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