Kinë, me gjithë kundërshtimet, fillon shitja e mishit të qenit (Foto)

Kinë, me gjithë kundërshtimet, fillon shitja e mishit të qenit (Foto)
epaselect epa05378688 A vendor waits for buyers as he closes a cage with a dog for sale at a market in Yulin city, southern China's Guangxi province, 20 June 2016. Yulin dog meat festival will fall on 21 June 2016, the day of summer solstice, a day that many local people celebrate by eating dog meat, causing escalating conflicts between activists and dog vendors. EPA/WU HONG

Në Yulin të Kinës, ka filluar shitja dhe prerja e qenve për mish, megjithëse ka kundërshtime ndërkombëtare që të ndalohet ky aktivitet.

Si çdo 21 qershor, edhe sot janë ekspozuar mbi dhjetëmijë qenë që pritet të blihen dhe të prehen, për t’i ngrënë mishin.

Shumë organizata për mbrojtjen e kafshëve, si dhe mirëqenien dhe shëndetit të njeriut, kanë bërë thirrje të ndalohet ky organizim, por më kot.

Kafshët, kryesisht këlysh të vjedhur nga pronarët, vendosen në kafaze të vegjël dhe mbahen në kushte të tmerrshme, derisa mbyten dhe rripen.

Pos që kjo është një mizori mbi gjallesa, po konsiderohet edhe shumë johigjienike dhe sjellëse e sëmundjeve për njerëzit.

Sidoqoftë, rrugën e qytetit ku zhvillohet festivali tradicional, janë mbushur me shitës dhe klient të interesuar për mishin e qenit. /Telegrafi/

epaselect epa05378688 A vendor waits for buyers as he closes a cage with a dog for sale at a market in Yulin city, southern China's Guangxi province, 20 June 2016. Yulin dog meat festival will fall on 21 June 2016, the day of summer solstice, a day that many local people celebrate by eating dog meat, causing escalating conflicts between activists and dog vendors.  EPA/WU HONG

Dogs are seen in cages for sale at a market ahead of a dog meat festival in Yulin in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Monday, June 20, 2016. Restaurateurs in a southern Chinese town will holding an annual dog meat festival which falls on June 21, the day of summer solstice, despite international criticism. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

Vendors chop dog meat for sale at a market ahead of a dog meat festival in Yulin, in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Monday, June 20, 2016. Restaurateurs in a southern Chinese town will holding an annual dog meat festival which falls on June 21, the day of summer solstice despite international criticism. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)

epa05378686 A vendor displays a cat for a buyer beside dogs in a cage at a market in Yulin city, southern China's Guangxi province, 20 June 2016. Yulin dog meat festival will fall on 21 June 2016, the day of summer solstice, a day that many local people celebrate by eating dog meat, causing escalating conflicts between activists and dog vendors.  EPA/WU HONG

epa05378674 Dogs are seen in a cage for sale at a market in Yulin city, southern China's Guangxi province, 20 June 2016. Yulin dog meat festival will fall on 21 June 2016, the day of summer solstice, a day that many local people celebrate by eating dog meat, causing escalating conflicts between activists and dog vendors.  EPA/WU HONG

epa05378667 A vendor waits for buyers beside dogs for sale at a market in Yulin city, southern China's Guangxi province, 20 June 2016. Yulin dog meat festival will fall on 21 June 2016, the day of summer solstice, a day that many local people celebrate by eating dog meat, causing escalating conflicts between activists and dog vendors.  EPA/WU HONG

epa05378690 Dogs are seen in cage for sale at a market in Yulin city, southern China's Guangxi province, 20 June 2016. Yulin dog meat festival will fall on 21 June 2016, the day of summer solstice, a day that many local people celebrate by eating dog meat, causing escalating conflicts between activists and dog vendors.  EPA/WU HONG

epa05378734 A vendor takes a nap as he waits for buyers beside a dog in cage for sale at a market in Yulin city, southern China's Guangxi province, 20 June 2016. Yulin dog meat festival will fall on 21 June 2016, the day of summer solstice, a day that many local people celebrate by eating dog meat, causing escalating conflicts between activists and dog vendors.  EPA/WU HONG

epa05378670 A vendor counts money as he sells a dog at a market in Yulin city, southern China's Guangxi province, 20 June 2016. Yulin dog meat festival will fall on 21 June 2016, the day of summer solstice, a day that many local people celebrate by eating dog meat, causing escalating conflicts between activists and dog vendors.  EPA/WU HONG

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