Si ta njihni femrën që ka nevojë për seks?

Si ta njihni femrën që ka nevojë për seks?

Kur femra është vazhdimisht nervoze, zakonisht me shaka thuhet se i mungon “vitamina K”, përkatësisht seksi. Mirëpo, ekzistojnë një sërë faktesh të cilat mund t’ju bëjnë me dije qartë që abstenimi seksual e ka pushtuar jetën e saj.

A woman without enough sex is like a flower without water, someone once said, while this can be clearly seen in women, if you pay attention to some details and changes in her behavior.

There are several signs that a woman indicates that she has not had sex recently. The sign is not only in their physical nature, but also in their behavior.

Due to the lack of natural sedatives such as oxytocin, which is secreted during orgasm, women can spend whole nights without sleep.

Aged look
Collagen, which is produced by regular intercourse, makes the skin smooth and soft. Due to its lack, pgslot women can look older than they are. The progesterone that the body produces during sex removes acne from the face.

Being violent with others
Usually, he fights with others because of the lack of endorphins, he has a negative perception of the world around him.

He often consumes herbs for pain.
He often consumes herbs for pain, because of the lack of oxytocin, which has the effect of morphine, he needs to alleviate the pains and contractions.

It is constantly disgusting.
Intimate relationships often increase the amount of antiviral antibodies by 30%.

She regularly forgets everything
She is usually sick, always forgets everything and has negative thoughts about herself. Believe it or not, sex plays a key role in creating self-confidence in women. /Telegraph/

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